


术语 "detach" 之前在 Expo 中使用,表示 ejecting 你的应用使用 ExpoKit

¥The term "detach" was previously used in Expo to mean ejecting your app to use ExpoKit.


术语 "eject" 是由 create-react-app 流行起来的,在 Expo 中使用它来描述离开标准 Expo 开发环境的舒适感,在这种环境中你不必处理构建配置或原生代码。当你从 Expo "eject" 时,你有两个选择:

¥The term "eject" was popularized by create-react-app, and it is used in Expo to describe leaving the cozy comfort of the standard Expo development environment, where you do not have to deal with build configuration or native code. When you "eject" from Expo, you have two choices:

  • 弹出到裸工作流程,你可以在 workflows 之间跳转并进入裸工作流程,你可以继续使用 Expo API,但可以访问并完全控制你的原生 Android 和 iOS 项目。

    ¥Eject to bare workflow, where you jump between workflows and move into the bare workflow, where you can continue to use Expo APIs but have access and full control over your native Android and iOS projects.

  • 弹出到 ExpoKit,你可以在其中获得原生项目以及 ExpoKit。此选项已弃用,并且在 SDK 38 后删除了对 ExpoKit 的支持。

    ¥Eject to ExpoKit, where you get the native projects along with ExpoKit. This option is deprecated and support for ExpoKit was removed after SDK 38.


ExpoKit 是一个 Objective-C 和 Java 库,允许你使用 Expo SDK 和平台以及现有的 Expo 项目作为更大的标准原生项目的一部分 - 你通常使用 Xcode、Android Studio 或 react-native init 创建该项目。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 弹出到 ExpoKit

¥ExpoKit is an Objective-C and Java library that allows you to use the Expo SDK and platform and your existing Expo project as part of a larger standard native project — one that you would normally create using Xcode, Android Studio, or react-native init. For more information, see Ejecting to ExpoKit.

SDK 38 后终止对 ExpoKit 的支持。Expo 模块可以实现对自定义原生配置的支持,需要更多自定义原生代码的项目可以 使用 npx expo prebuild 公开他们的 Android Studio 和 Xcode 项目

¥Support for ExpoKit ended after SDK 38. Expo modules can implement support for custom native configuration, and projects that need even more custom native code can expose their Android Studio and Xcode projects with npx expo prebuild.


¥Shell app

我们偶尔用另一个术语来表示 独立应用

¥Another term we occasionally use for Standalone app.


XDE 是一个带有图形用户界面 (GUI) 的桌面工具,用于处理 Expo 项目。它已被 Expo CLI 取代,现在提供命令行和 Web 界面。

¥XDE was a desktop tool with a graphical user interface (GUI) for working with Expo projects. It's been replaced by Expo CLI, which now provides both command line and web interfaces.