使用 FCM 旧服务器发送通知
了解如何使用 FCM 旧服务器发送通知。
该页面已存档。有关最新信息,请参阅 推送通知指南。
有关与较新的 FCMv1 服务通信的文档,请参阅 使用 FCMv1 和 APN 发送通知。本指南基于 谷歌的文档,本节涵盖入门基础知识。
与 FCM 的通信是通过发送 POST 请求来完成的。但是,在发送或接收任何通知之前,你需要按照 配置 FCM 的步骤配置 FCM 并获取 FCM-SERVER-KEY
¥Communicating with FCM is done by sending a POST request. However, before sending or receiving any notifications, you'll need to follow the steps to configure FCM to configure FCM and get your FCM-SERVER-KEY
await fetch('https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `key=<FCM-SERVER-KEY>`,
body: JSON.stringify({
priority: 'normal',
data: {
experienceId: '@yourExpoUsername/yourProjectSlug',
scopeKey: '@yourExpoUsername/yourProjectSlug',
title: "📧 You've got mail",
message: 'Hello world! 🌐',
和 scopeKey
字段为必填字段。否则,你的通知将不会发送到你的应用。FCM 在 通知负载 中有一个支持的字段列表,你可以通过查看 FirebaseRemoteMessage 来了解 Android 上的 expo-notifications
¥The experienceId
and scopeKey
fields are required. Otherwise, your notifications will not go through to your app. FCM has a list of supported fields in the notification payload, and you can see which ones are supported by expo-notifications
on Android by looking at the FirebaseRemoteMessage.
FCM 还提供了一些你可以使用的 几种不同语言的服务器端库,而不是原始 fetch
¥FCM also provides some server-side libraries in a few different languages you can use instead of raw fetch
如何查找 FCM 服务器密钥
¥How to find FCM server key
你可以通过确保遵循 配置步骤 来找到你的 FCM 服务器密钥,并且无需将 FCM 密钥上传到 Expo,而是直接在服务器中使用该密钥(如上例中的 FCM-SERVER-KEY
¥Your FCM server key can be found by making sure you've followed the configuration steps, and instead of uploading your FCM key to Expo, you would use that key directly in your server (as the FCM-SERVER-KEY
in the previous example).
¥Payload format
"token": native device token string,
"collapse_key": string that identifies notification as collapsible,
"priority": "normal" || "high",
"data": {
"experienceId": "@yourExpoUsername/yourProjectSlug",
"scopeKey": "@yourExpoUsername/yourProjectSlug",
"title": title of your message,
"message": body of your message,
"channelId": the android channel ID associated with this notification,
"categoryId": the category associated with this notification,
"icon": the icon to show with this notification,
"link": the link this notification should open,
"sound": boolean or the custom sound file you'd like to play,
"vibrate": "true" | "false" | number[],
"priority": AndroidNotificationPriority, // https://expo.nodejs.cn/versions/latest/sdk/notifications/#androidnotificationpriority
"badge": the number to set the icon badge to,
"body": { object of key-value pairs }
Firebase 通知类型
¥Firebase notification types
Firebase Cloud Messaging 消息有两种类型:通知和数据消息。
¥There are two types of Firebase Cloud Messaging messages: notification and data messages.
通知消息仅由 Firebase 库处理(和显示)。它们不一定会唤醒应用,并且
不会知道你的应用已收到任何通知。¥Notification messages are only handled (and displayed) by the Firebase library. They don't necessarily wake the app, and
will not be made aware that your app has received any notification. -
Firebase 库不处理数据消息。它们会立即移交给你的应用进行处理。这就是
解释数据有效负载并根据该数据采取行动的地方。在几乎所有情况下,这都是你必须发送的通知类型。¥Data messages are not handled by the Firebase library. They are immediately handed off to your app for processing. That's where
interprets the data payload and takes action based on that data. In almost all cases, this is the type of notification you have to send.
如果你直接通过 Firebase 发送通知类型的消息而不是数据,你将不知道用户是否与通知进行了交互(没有可用的 onNotificationResponse
事件),并且你将无法解析通知负载中的任何数据 你的通知事件相关的监听器。
¥If you send a message of type notification instead of data directly through Firebase, you won't know if a user interacted with the notification (no onNotificationResponse
event available), and you won't be able to parse the notification payload for any data in your notification event-related listeners.
尚未公开的配置选项时,使用通知类型消息会很有用。通常,它可能导致比使用数据类型消息更难以预测的情况。但是,你可能需要将遇到的任何问题直接报告给 Google。¥Using notification-type messages can be beneficial when you need a configuration option that is not yet exposed by
. Generally, it may lead to less predictable situations than using data-type messages. However, you may need to report any issue you encounter directly to Google.
以下是使用 Node.js Firebase Admin SDK 发送数据类型消息而不是通知类型的每种类型的示例:
¥Below is an example of each type using Node.js Firebase Admin SDK to send data-type messages instead of notification-type:
const devicePushToken = /* ... */;
const options = /* ... */;
// ❌ The following payload has a root-level notification object and
// it will not trigger expo-notifications and may not work as expected.
notification: {
title: "This is a notification-type message",
body: "`expo-notifications` will never see this 😢",
data: {
photoId: 42,
// ✅ There is no "notification" key in the root level of the payload
// so the message is a "data" message, thus triggering expo-notifications.
data: {
title: "This is a data-type message",
message: "`expo-notifications` events will be triggered 🤗",
// ⚠️ Notice the schema of this payload is different
// than that of Firebase SDK. What is there called "body"
// here is a "message". For more info see:
// https://expo.nodejs.cn/versions/latest/sdk/notifications/#android-push-notification-payload-specification
body: // As per Android payload format specified above, the
JSON.stringify({ photoId: 42 }), // additional "data" should be placed under "body" key.