Expo 推送通知服务概述。
Expo 通过处理与 Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) 或 Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) 通信所涉及的大部分复杂性,简化了推送通知的实现。这允许你以相同的方式处理 Android 和 iOS 通知,并节省前端和后端的时间。
¥Expo simplifies implementing push notifications by handling much of the complexity involved in communicating with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). This allows you to treat Android and iOS notifications in the same way and save time both on the front-end and back-end.
¥Follow the video or links below to learn how to set up push notifications, send them, and handle incoming notifications in your app.
Learn how to set up push notifications in an Expo project. This video covers configuring Firebase for FCM v1 on Android, setting up Android and iOS credentials on EAS, building with EAS Build, and testing with Expo Notifications tool.
了解如何调用 Expo Push Service API 从服务器发送推送通知。
有关 Expo 推送通知服务的常见问题集合。