

expo-notifications 库包含事件监听器,用于处理应用在收到通知时如何响应。

¥The expo-notifications library contains event listeners that handle how your app responds when receiving a notification.


¥Notification event listeners

当接收到通知或与之交互时,addNotificationReceivedListeneraddNotificationResponseReceivedListener 事件监听器会接收一个对象。

¥The addNotificationReceivedListener and addNotificationResponseReceivedListener event listeners receive an object when a notification is received or interacted with.


¥These listeners allow you to add behavior when notifications are received while your app is open and foregrounded and when your app is backgrounded or closed and the user taps on the notification.

useEffect(() => {
  registerForPushNotificationsAsync().then(token => setExpoPushToken(token));

  notificationListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener(notification => {

  responseListener.current = Notifications.addNotificationResponseReceivedListener(response => {

  return () => {
}, []);
Android notification object example from addNotificationReceivedListener

使用 Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener 时回调函数收到的 notification 对象示例:

¥Sample of the notification object received by the callback function when using Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener:

// console.log(notification);
  "request": {
    "trigger": {
      "remoteMessage": {
        "originalPriority": 2,
        "sentTime": 1724782348210,
        "notification": {
          "usesDefaultVibrateSettings": false,
          "color": null,
          "channelId": null,
          "visibility": null,
          "sound": null,
          "tag": null,
          "bodyLocalizationArgs": null,
          "imageUrl": null,
          "title": "Chat App",
          "ticker": null,
          "eventTime": null,
          "body": "New message from John Doe",
          "titleLocalizationKey": null,
          "notificationPriority": null,
          "icon": null,
          "usesDefaultLightSettings": false,
          "sticky": false,
          "link": null,
          "titleLocalizationArgs": null,
          "bodyLocalizationKey": null,
          "usesDefaultSound": false,
          "clickAction": null,
          "localOnly": false,
          "lightSettings": null,
          "notificationCount": null
        "data": {
          "channelId": "default",
          "message": "New message from John Doe",
          "title": "Chat App",
          "body": "{\"senderId\":\"user123\",\"senderName\":\"John Doe\",\"messageId\":\"msg789\",\"conversationId\":\"conversation-456\",\"messageType\":\"text\",\"timestamp\":1724766427}",
          "scopeKey": "@betoatexpo/expo-notifications-app",
          "experienceId": "@betoatexpo/expo-notifications-app",
          "projectId": "51092087-87a4-4b12-8008-145625477434"
        "to": null,
        "ttl": 0,
        "collapseKey": "dev.expo.notificationsapp",
        "messageType": null,
        "priority": 2,
        "from": "115310547649",
        "messageId": "0:1724782348220771%0f02879c0f02879c"
      "channelId": "default",
      "type": "push"
    "content": {
      "autoDismiss": true,
      "title": "Chat App",
      "badge": null,
      "sticky": false,
      "sound": "default",
      "body": "New message from John Doe",
      "subtitle": null,
      "data": {
        "senderId": "user123",
        "senderName": "John Doe",
        "messageId": "msg789",
        "conversationId": "conversation-456",
        "messageType": "text",
        "timestamp": 1724766427
    "identifier": "0:1724782348220771%0f02879c0f02879c"
  "date": 1724782348210

你可以通过记录 notification.request.content.data 对象直接访问通知自定义数据:

¥You can directly access the notification custom data by logging the notification.request.content.data object:

// console.log(notification.request.content.data);
  "senderId": "user123",
  "senderName": "John Doe",
  "messageId": "msg789",
  "conversationId": "conversation-456",
  "messageType": "text",
  "timestamp": 1724766427
iOS notification object example from addNotificationReceivedListener

使用 Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener 时回调函数收到的 notification 对象示例:

¥Sample of the notification object received by the callback function when using Notifications.addNotificationReceivedListener:

// console.log(notification);
  "request": {
    "trigger": {
      "class": "UNPushNotificationTrigger",
      "type": "push",
      "payload": {
        "experienceId": "@betoatexpo/expo-notifications-app",
        "projectId": "51092087-87a4-4b12-8008-145625477434",
        "scopeKey": "@betoatexpo/expo-notifications-app",
        "aps": {
          "thread-id": "",
          "category": "",
          "badge": 1,
          "alert": {
            "subtitle": "Hey there! How's your day going?",
            "title": "Chat App",
            "launch-image": "",
            "body": "New message from John Doe"
          "sound": "default"
        "body": {
          "messageId": "msg789",
          "timestamp": 1724766427,
          "messageType": "text",
          "senderId": "user123",
          "senderName": "John Doe",
          "conversationId": "conversation-456"
    "identifier": "3AEB849E-9059-4D09-BC3B-9A0B104CF062",
    "content": {
      "body": "New message from John Doe",
      "sound": "default",
      "launchImageName": "",
      "badge": 1,
      "subtitle": "Hey there! How's your day going?",
      "title": "Chat App",
      "data": {
        "conversationId": "conversation-456",
        "senderName": "John Doe",
        "senderId": "user123",
        "messageType": "text",
        "timestamp": 1724766427,
        "messageId": "msg789"
      "summaryArgument": null,
      "categoryIdentifier": "",
      "attachments": [],
      "interruptionLevel": "active",
      "threadIdentifier": "",
      "targetContentIdentifier": null,
      "summaryArgumentCount": 0
  "date": 1724798493.0589335

你可以通过记录 notification.request.content.data 对象直接访问通知自定义数据:

¥You can directly access the notification custom data by logging the notification.request.content.data object:

// console.log(notification.request.content.data);
  "senderId": "user123",
  "senderName": "John Doe",
  "messageId": "msg789",
  "conversationId": "conversation-456",
  "messageType": "text",
  "timestamp": 1724766427

有关这些对象的更多信息,请参阅 Notification 文档。

¥For more information on these objects, see Notification documentation.


¥Foreground notification behavior

要处理应用处于前台时收到通知时的行为,请使用 Notifications.setNotificationHandlerhandleNotification() 回调来设置以下选项:

¥To handle the behavior when notifications are received when your app is foregrounded, use Notifications.setNotificationHandler with the handleNotification() callback to set the following options:

  • shouldShowAlert

  • shouldPlaySound

  • shouldSetBadge

  handleNotification: async () => ({
    shouldShowAlert: true,
    shouldPlaySound: false,
    shouldSetBadge: false,


¥Closed notification behavior

在 Android 上,用户可以设置某些操作系统级别的设置,通常围绕性能和电池优化,这可以防止在应用关闭时发送通知。例如,使用 Android 9 及更低版本的 OnePlus 设备上的 Deep Clear 选项就是此类设置之一。

¥On Android, users can set certain OS-level settings, usually revolving around performance and battery optimization, that can prevent notifications from being delivered when the app is closed. For example, one such setting is the Deep Clear option on OnePlus devices using Android 9 and lower versions.