本节包含有关使用 Expo 和 Expo 应用服务 (EAS) 进行开发的信息:
¥This section contains information about the development with Expo and Expo Application Services (EAS):
了解 使用 Expo 构建应用 的流程,有助于理解核心开发循环的心智模型。本节还深入介绍你在开发过程中可能需要的其他配置和工作流程,以帮助你开发、部署和维护应用。它包含有关 应用配置、permissions、通用链接、自定义原生代码、web 等的深入信息。
¥Learn about the process of building an app with Expo to help understand the mental model of the core development loop. This section also dives into additional configurations and workflows you may require during the development process to help you develop, deploy, and maintain your app. It contains in-depth information about app config, permissions, universal links, custom native code, web, and more.
Expo 路由
了解如何使用 Expo 路由 库中的不同导航功能。它还涵盖了该库提供的全面的 钩子 API 以及导航的其他方面,例如 验证、重定向、测试 等。
¥Learn about using different navigation functionalities from the Expo Router library. It also covers a comprehensive Hooks API that the library provides and other aspects of navigation such as Authentication, Redirects, Testing, and more.
Expo 模块 API
了解如何使用 Expo 模块 API 在你的应用中添加和使用原生模块。
¥Learn how to add and use Native modules in your app using Expo Modules API.
¥Other content
除了上面列出的要点之外,还有许多其他功能可供探索,例如应用商店的 推送通知 和 分发你的应用 的最佳实践。我们还在分类和第三方集成部分提供了一系列指南。
¥Apart from the essentials listed above, there are plenty of other features to explore such as Push notifications and best practices on distributing your app to the app stores. We also have a collection of guides in the Assorted and third-party Integrations sections.