了解如何准备现有的 React Native 项目以安装和使用任何 Expo 模块。
要在你的应用中使用 Expo 模块,你需要安装并配置 expo
¥To use Expo modules in your app, you will need to install and configure the expo
封装占地面积小;它只包含几乎每个应用所需的最小包集以及其他 Expo SDK 包构建所需要的模块和自动链接基础设施。在项目中安装并配置 expo
包后,你可以使用 npx expo install
从 SDK 添加任何其他 Expo 模块。
¥The expo
package has a small footprint; it includes only a minimal set of packages that are needed in nearly every app and the module and autolinking infrastructure that other Expo SDK packages are built with. Once the expo
package is installed and configured in your project, you can use npx expo install
to add any other Expo module from the SDK.
根据你的 初始化项目 方式,你可以通过两种方式安装 Expo 模块:automatically 或 manually。
¥Depending on how you initialized the project, there are two ways you can install the Expo modules: automatically or manually.
¥Automatic installation
要安装和使用 Expo 模块,最简单的启动和运行方法是使用 install-expo-modules
¥To install and use Expo modules, the easiest way to get up and running is with the install-expo-modules
# Install and configure the expo package automatically
npx install-expo-modules@latest
¥ When the command succeeds, you will be able to add any Expo module in your app! Proceed to Usage for more information.
¥ If the command fails, follow the manual installation instructions. Updating code programmatically can be tricky, and if your project deviates significantly from a default React Native project, then you need to perform manual installation and adapt the instructions here to your codebase.
¥Manual installation
以下说明适用于在 React Native 0.76 中安装最新版本的 Expo 模块。对于以前的版本,请查看 原生升级助手 以了解如何自定义这些文件。
¥The following instructions apply to installing the latest version of Expo modules in React Native 0.76. For previous versions, check the native upgrade helper to see how these files are customized.
npm install expo
安装完成后,应用以下差异中的更改来配置项目中的 Expo 模块。这预计需要大约五分钟,你可能需要根据项目的定制程度稍作调整。
¥Once installation is complete, apply the changes from the following diffs to configure Expo modules in your project. This is expected to take about five minutes, and you may need to adapt it slightly depending on how customized your project is.
¥Configuration for Android
¥Configuration for iOS
你还可以选择向 AppDelegate.mm 添加其他委托方法。有些库可能需要它们,因此除非你有充分的理由将它们排除在外,否则建议添加它们。请参阅 AppDelegate.mm 中的委托方法。
¥Optionally, you can also add additional delegate methods to your AppDelegate.mm. Some libraries may require them, so unless you have a good reason to leave them out, it is recommended to add them. See delegate methods in AppDelegate.mm.
保存所有更改并将 Xcode 中的 iOS 部署目标更新为 iOS 15.1
¥Save all of your changes and update your iOS Deployment Target in Xcode to iOS 15.1
在 Xcode 中打开 your-project-name.xcworkspace,在左侧边栏中选择你的项目。
¥Open your-project-name.xcworkspace in Xcode, select your project in the left sidebar.
选择目标 > 你的项目名称 > 构建设置 > iOS 部署目标并将其设置为 iOS 15.1
¥Select Targets > your-project-name > Build Settings > iOS Deployment Target and set it to iOS 15.1
最后一步是再次安装项目的 CocoaPods,以引入由我们添加到 Podfile 中的 use_expo_modules!
指令检测到的 Expo 模块:
¥The last step is to install the project's CocoaPods again to pull in Expo modules that are detected by use_expo_modules!
directive that we added to the Podfile:
# Install pods
npx pod-install
# Alternatively, the run command will install them for you
npx expo run:ios
¥Configure Expo CLI for bundling on Android and iOS
我们建议使用 Expo CLI 和相关工具配置来打包你的应用 JavaScript 代码和资源。这增加了对使用 package.json 中的 "main"
字段来使用 Expo 路由 库的支持。不使用 Expo CLI 进行打包可能会导致意外行为。了解有关 Expo CLI 的更多信息。
¥We recommend using Expo CLI and related tooling configurations to bundle your app JavaScript code and assets. This adds support for using the "main"
field in package.json to use Expo Router library. Not using Expo CLI for bundling may result in unexpected behavior. Learn more about Expo CLI.
将 Xcode 中 Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images 下的 shell 脚本替换为以下内容:
¥Replace the shell script under Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images in Xcode with the following:
if [[ -f "$PODS_ROOT/../.xcode.env" ]]; then
source "$PODS_ROOT/../.xcode.env"
if [[ -f "$PODS_ROOT/../.xcode.env.local" ]]; then
source "$PODS_ROOT/../.xcode.env.local"
# The project root by default is one level up from the ios directory
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" = *Debug* ]]; then
if [[ -z "$ENTRY_FILE" ]]; then
# Set the entry JS file using the bundler's entry resolution.
export ENTRY_FILE="$("$NODE_BINARY" -e "require('expo/scripts/resolveAppEntry')" "$PROJECT_ROOT" ios relative | tail -n 1)"
if [[ -z "$CLI_PATH" ]]; then
# Use Expo CLI
export CLI_PATH="$("$NODE_BINARY" --print "require.resolve('@expo/cli')")"
if [[ -z "$BUNDLE_COMMAND" ]]; then
# Default Expo CLI command for bundling
export BUNDLE_COMMAND="export:embed"
`"$NODE_BINARY" --print "require('path').dirname(require.resolve('react-native/package.json')) + '/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh'"`
并通过对 AppDelegate.mm 进行以下更改来添加对 package.json 中 "main"
¥And add support the "main"
field in package.json by making the following change to AppDelegate.mm:
- (NSURL *)getBundleURL
- return [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index"];
+ return [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@".expo/.virtual-metro-entry"];
return [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];
¥Verifying installation
你可以通过记录 expo-constants
¥You can verify that the installation was successful by logging a value from expo-constants
运行 npx expo install expo-constants
¥Run npx expo install expo-constants
然后,运行 npx expo run
并修改你的应用 JavaScript 代码以添加以下内容:
¥Then, run npx expo run
and modify your app JavaScript code to add the following:
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
¥Using Expo SDK packages
在项目中安装并配置 expo
包后,你可以使用 npx expo install
从 SDK 添加任何其他 Expo 模块。请参阅 使用库 了解更多信息。
¥Once the expo
package is installed and configured in your project, you can use npx expo install
to add any other Expo module from the SDK. See Using Libraries for more information.
包中包含 Expo 模块¥Expo modules included in the expo
以下 Expo 模块作为 expo
¥The following Expo modules are brought in as dependencies of the expo
- 在开发中的远程日志记录中生成安装 ID。该模块是可选的,如果你不使用 expo-dev-client
- Generates the installation id in remote logging in development. This module is optional and can be safely removed if you do not use expo-dev-client
- 围绕 expo-file-system
构建的纯 JavaScript 包,为所有 Expo 模块的资源提供通用基础。
- A JavaScript-only package that builds around expo-file-system
and provides a common foundation for assets across all Expo modules.
- 提供对清单的访问。
- Provides access to the manifest.
- 与设备文件系统交互。被 expo-asset
和许多其他 Expo 模块使用。通常由开发者在应用代码中直接使用。
- Interact with the device file system. Used by expo-asset
and many other Expo modules. Commonly used directly by developers in application code.
- 在运行时加载字体。然而,该模块是可选的,可以安全地删除;如果你使用 expo-dev-client
进行开发并且 @expo/vector-icons
- Load fonts at runtime. This module is optional and can be safely removed, however; it is recommended if you use expo-dev-client
for development and it is required by @expo/vector-icons
- 防止你的设备在开发应用时进入睡眠状态。该模块是可选的,可以安全地删除。
- Prevents your device from going to sleep while developing your app. This module is optional and can be safely removed.
要排除任何这些模块,请参阅以下有关 从自动链接中排除模块 的指南。
¥To exclude any of these modules, refer to the following guide on excluding modules from autolinking.
¥Excluding specific modules from autolinking
如果你需要从你未使用但由其他依赖安装的 Expo 模块中排除原生代码,则可以使用 package.json 中的 expo.autolinking.exclude
¥If you need to exclude native code from Expo modules you are not using, but were installed by other dependencies, you can use the expo.autolinking.exclude
property in package.json:
"name": "...",
"dependencies": {},
"expo": {
"autolinking": {
"exclude": ["expo-keep-awake"]