

了解如何开始使用 Expo 创建新的通用应用。

要使用 Expo 开发应用,请务必检查以下要求和推荐的工具。

¥To develop applications with Expo, make sure to check out the following requirements and recommended tools.



要使用 Expo,你需要在计算机上安装以下工具:

¥To use Expo, you need to have the following tools installed on your machine:

  • Node.js LTS 版本 - 仅推荐 Node.js LTS 版本(偶数)。

    As Node.js officially states, "Production applications should only use Active LTS or Maintenance LTS releases". You can install Node.js using a version management tool (such as nvm or volta or any other of your choice) to switch between different Node.js versions.

    ¥Node.js LTS release - Only Node.js LTS releases (even-numbered) are recommended.

    As Node.js officially states, "Production applications should only use Active LTS or Maintenance LTS releases". You can install Node.js using a version management tool (such as nvm or volta or any other of your choice) to switch between different Node.js versions.

  • Git 用于源代码控制。

    ¥Git for source control.

  • Watchman(适用于 Linux 或 macOS 用户)。

    ¥Watchman (for Linux or macOS users).


¥Get started

安装 Node.js 后,你可以使用 npx 创建新应用。

¥After installing Node.js, you can use npx to create a new app.

npx create-expo-app --template

了解如何创建新的 Expo 项目并在你的设备上运行它。

Expo CLI

Expo CLIexpo 包的一部分,你可以通过利用 npx(Node.js 包运行程序)来使用它。要启动你的应用,请在开发计算机上打开终端并运行 npx expo 命令:

¥Expo CLI is part of the expo package, and you can use it by leveraging npx — a Node.js package runner. To start your app, open the terminal on your development machine and run the npx expo command:

# Start the development server
npx expo

# See a list of commands in Expo CLI
npx expo --help
你不需要 macOS 来构建 iOS 应用。你只需要一台 iOS 设备即可运行开发版本。了解什么是 开发构建 以及如何利用它们来构建你的项目。


¥Recommended tools

  • Yarn 经典 (v1) 用于更快、更可靠的依赖管理。使用它代替 npmnpx

    ¥Yarn Classic (v1) for faster and more reliable dependency management. Use this instead of npm and npx.

  • VS Code 编辑器Expo 工具 VS Code 扩展 更容易调试和应用配置自动补齐。

    ¥VS Code editor and the Expo Tools VS Code extension for easier debugging and app config autocomplete.

如果你使用 Yarn,则可以使用以下命令引导新应用:

¥If you are using Yarn, you can bootstrap a new app using the following command:

yarn create expo

Windows 终端支持

¥Windows terminal support

Expo CLI 与 Windows 10 及更高版本上的以下终端兼容:

¥The Expo CLI is compatible with the following terminals on Windows 10 and higher:

  • PowerShell(默认终端)

    ¥PowerShell (the default terminal)

  • 使用 Bash shell 的 WSL 2(适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统)

    ¥WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) using a Bash shell

WSL 2 通常需要额外的配置来设置开发环境,以便使用 开发构建 或 Expo Go 在设备上测试代码。了解有关 为 Expo 开发配置 WSL 2 的更多信息。

¥WSL 2 typically requires additional configuration to set up your development environment for testing code on a device using a development build or Expo Go. Learn more about configuring WSL 2 for Expo development.

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