了解如何在 Expo 项目中设置身份验证。
Expo 可用于登录 Android、iOS 和 Web 上的许多流行提供商。expo-auth-session
包允许 基于浏览器的身份验证(使用 OAuth 或 OpenID Connect)到你的 Android、iOS 和 Web 项目。你还可以使用 开发构建 的第三方提供商的原生库来实现身份验证。
¥Expo can be used to login to many popular providers on Android, iOS, and web. expo-auth-session
package allows browser-based authentication (using OAuth or OpenID Connect) to your project for Android, iOS, and the web. You can also implement authentication using native libraries for third-party providers with development builds.
is the easiest way to add web browser-based authentication (for example, browser-based OAuth flows) to your app.
A guide on using @react-native-google-signin/google-signin
library to integrate Google authentication in your Expo project.
A guide on using react-native-fbsdk-next
library to integrate Facebook authentication in your Expo project.
provides Apple authentication for iOS 13 and higher.
使用 AuthSession API 和其他 OAuth 提供程序在 Expo 应用中实现基于 Web 的身份验证的示例集合。