了解如何在发布 Expo 和 React Native 应用后监控其使用情况。
¥Once your app is released, you can track anonymized usage data to give you insights on how users use your app. This data includes which updates are in use, when users experience bugs, and more.
EAS Insights
Expo 提供 expo-insights
库,用于跟踪与 EAS 更新 相关的信息。此数据包括应用版本、平台、操作系统版本和更新采用情况。安装并在应用商店发布生产版本后,你将能够在项目仪表板上看到其他数据:
¥Expo provides the expo-insights
library, which tracks information related to EAS Update. This data includes the app version, platform, OS version, and update adoption. After you install it and release production builds on the app stores, you'll be able to see additional data on your project dashboard:
¥Get started with the following guide:
了解如何使用 EAS Insights 监控你的应用。
你可以通过 LogRocket 获得更多见解。LogRocket 记录用户会话并在用户使用你的应用时识别错误。你可以通过更新 ID 过滤会话,还可以连接到 Expo 仪表板上的 LogRocket 账户以快速访问应用的会话数据。
¥You can get more insights with LogRocket. LogRocket records user sessions and identifies bugs as your users use your app. You can filter sessions by update IDs and also connect to your LogRocket account on the Expo dashboard to get quick access to your app's session data.
¥Get started with the following guide:
了解如何使用 LogRocket 监控你的应用。
Sentry 是一个崩溃报告平台,它提供对生产部署的实时洞察,并提供重现和修复崩溃的信息。
¥Sentry is a crash reporting platform that provides real-time insight into production deployments with information to reproduce and fix crashes.
它会通知你用户在使用你的应用时遇到的异常或错误,并在网络仪表板上为你组织它们。自动报告的异常包括堆栈跟踪、设备信息、版本和其他相关上下文。你还可以提供特定于你的应用的其他上下文,例如当前路由和用户 ID。
¥It notifies you of exceptions or errors that your users run into while using your app and organizes them for you on a web dashboard. Reported exceptions include stacktraces, device info, version, and other relevant context automatically. You can also provide additional context that is specific to your app, such as the current route and user ID.
¥Get started with the following guide:
了解如何使用 Sentry 监控你的应用。
维克斯 可帮助你了解用户如何与你的 Expo 应用互动、识别摩擦点并提高参与度。它通过简单的两行集成提供实时用户分析,并提供完整的仪表板,深入了解用户活动、应用性能和采用趋势,以及热图、会话重播等功能。
¥Vexo helps you understand how users interact with your Expo app, identify friction points, and improve engagement. It provides real-time user analytics with a simple two-line integration and offers a complete dashboard with insights into user activity, app performance, and adoption trends, along with features like heatmaps, session replays, and more.
¥Get started with the following guide:
了解如何使用 Vexo 监控你的应用。
BugSnag 是一种稳定性监控解决方案,可提供丰富的端到端错误报告和分析,以快速、精确地重现和修复错误。BugSnag 支持全栈,其中包含 50 多个平台的开源库,包括 React Native。
¥BugSnag is a stability monitoring solution that provides rich, end-to-end error reporting and analytics to reproduce and fix errors with speed and precision. BugSnag supports the full stack with open-source libraries for more than 50 platforms, including React Native.
¥Get started with the following guide:
了解如何使用 BugSnag 监控你的应用。