EAS Insights

EAS Insights 简介,这是使用 expo-insights 库的项目的预览服务。

EAS Insights 处于预览阶段,可能会发生重大变化。在预览版中,它可以免费使用。

EAS Insights 是一项服务,可提供项目性能、使用情况和范围的视图。我们目前正在向所有开发者提供 Insights 预览版,并且我们将根据用户反馈和建议继续推出新特性和功能。

¥EAS Insights is a service that will offer a view into a project's performance, usage, and reach. We are currently offering a preview of Insights that is available to all developers, and we will continue to roll out new features and functionality based on user feedback and suggestions.

EAS Insights 可让你轻松查看应用的状态,提供有关跨平台使用情况、应用商店版本和时间范围的信息。

¥EAS Insights makes it easy to see the state of your app, providing information about usage across platforms, app store versions, and timeframes.

与 EAS 更新集成

¥Integration with EAS Update

如果你已经在使用 EAS 更新,我们将提供某些高级使用情况见解,而无需进行任何额外的客户端更改。这是可能的,因为通过将来自客户端请求的数据聚合来检查更新到有限的见解视图中,该视图显示随时间变化的使用情况以及按平台细分的使用情况。

¥If you're already using EAS Update, we provide certain high-level usage insights without any additional client-side changes. This is possible because by aggregating data from client requests to check for an update into a limited Insights view that shows usage over time, as well as usage broken down by platform.

使用 expo-insights

¥Use the expo-insights library

开发者可以将 expo-insights 库添加到他们的项目中,并获得更精确的使用指标(比仅聚合更新请求提供的指标)以及按应用商店版本划分的其他细分。目前,该库仅限于发送与应用冷启动相关的客户端事件,但将来我们将扩展 expo-insights 以提供新类型的事件和有效负载,以支持更高级的功能。

¥Developers can add the expo-insights library to their projects and gain more precise usage metrics (than those provided by just aggregating update requests) and additional breakdowns by app store version. Currently, the library is limited to sending client events only pertaining to cold starts of the app, but in the future we will expand expo-insights to offer new types of events and payloads, to support more advanced functionality.



要使用 expo-insights,请确保你的应用通过运行 eas init 链接到 app.json / app.config.js 中的 EAS 项目,然后安装该库。

¥To use the expo-insights, make sure your app is linked to your EAS project in app.json / app.config.js by running eas init, then install the library.

# Install EAS CLI if you have not already
npm i -g eas-cli

# Initialize your project EAS if you have not already
eas init

# Install the library
npx expo install expo-insights

安装库后,使用 EASlocally 创建构建。当应用启动时,库会自动将事件发送到 EAS Insights。

¥After installing the library, create a build either with EAS or locally. The library will automatically send events to EAS Insights when the app is launched.


¥View insights

要查看应用的见解数据,请在 Expo 仪表板中转到项目列表,选择你的项目,然后从导航菜单中选择见解。

¥To view insights data of your app, in the Expo dashboard, go to projects list, select your project and then select Insights from the navigation menu.