通过将你的应用提交到应用商店或通过 内部分发 将其交到用户手中。
¥Get your app into the hands of users by submitting it to the app stores or with Internal Distribution.
# Install the CLI
npm i -g eas-cli
# Build and submit your app
eas build --auto-submit
# OR -- Submit existing binaries
eas submit
你可以使用 EAS 命令行接口 运行 eas build --auto-submit
来构建你的应用并自动上传二进制文件以便在 Apple App Store 和 Google Play Store 上分发。
¥You can run eas build --auto-submit
with EAS CLI to build your app and automatically upload the binary for distribution on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
这会自动管理任何 React Native 应用的 Android 和 iOS 的所有原生代码签名。支付、通知、通用链接和 iCloud 等高级功能可以根据你的 配置插件 或原生权利自动启用,这意味着无需再与缓慢的门户进行斗争以正确设置库。
¥This automatically manages all native code signing for Android and iOS for any React Native app. Advanced features such as payments, notifications, universal links, and iCloud can be automatically enabled based on your config plugins or native entitlements, meaning no more wrestling with slow portals to get libraries set up correctly.
¥Get started
了解如何向 Google Play 商店提交 Android 应用。
了解如何从任何操作系统向 Apple App Store 提交 iOS 或 iPadOS 应用。
使用 AdHoc 构建在内部与测试人员共享你的移动应用。