EAS 提交
EAS Submit 是一项托管服务,用于将应用二进制文件上传并提交到应用商店。
EAS Submit 是一项托管服务,用于将应用二进制文件上传并提交到应用商店。由于它是托管服务,因此只要你可以在计算机上运行 EAS CLI,你就可以将应用提交到两个商店。这意味着你可以从 macOS、Windows 或 Linux 工作站或 CI 轻松提交 Android 和 iOS 应用。
¥EAS Submit is a hosted service for uploading and submitting your app binaries to the app stores. Since it's a hosted service, you can submit your app to both stores as long as you can run EAS CLI on your machine. This means you can easily submit your Android and iOS apps from your macOS, Windows, or Linux workstation or from CI.
¥Get started
使用 eas.json 进行配置
See how to configure your submissions with eas.json
提交到 Google Play 商店
了解如何向 Google Play 商店提交 Android 应用。
了解如何从任何操作系统向 Apple App Store 提交 iOS/iPadOS 应用。