
EAS 更新

EAS Update 简介,它是使用 expo-updates 库的项目的托管服务。

EAS 更新是一项托管服务,为使用 expo-updates 库的项目提供更新。

¥EAS Update is a hosted service that serves updates for projects using the expo-updates library.

EAS 更新可以在应用商店提交之间快速修复小错误并推送快速修复。它通过允许应用无线更新其自己的非原生部分(例如 JS、样式和图片)来实现这一点。

¥EAS Update makes fixing small bugs and pushing quick fixes a snap in between app store submissions. It accomplishes this by enabling an app to update its own non-native pieces (such as JS, styling, and images) over-the-air.

所有包含 expo-updates 库的应用都能够接收更新。要开始使用 EAS 更新,请继续阅读 入门 指南。

¥All apps that include the expo-updates library have the ability to receive updates. To start using EAS Update, continue to the Getting Started guide.




¥Improve user experience

EAS Update 允许你根据用户反馈或市场趋势快速发布修补程序和增强功能。它可以帮助你保持用户对你的应用的参与度和满意度。不要等待下一个计划更新或手动更新请求。

¥EAS Update allows you to quickly release hotfixes and enhancements in response to user feedback or market trends. It helps you keep users engaged and satisfied with your app. Don't wait for the next planned update or manual update request.

为 Expo 量身定制

¥Tailored for Expo

EAS Update 旨在与 Expo 应用轻松集成。使用 Expo 网站查看应用部署状态和调试问题,并与 EAS 构建 无缝集成。

¥EAS Update is designed for easy integration with Expo apps. Use the Expo website to see app deployment status and debug issues, and seamlessly integrate with EAS Build.


¥Broad compatibility

EAS Update 也适用于 通过 Martin Kleppmann。你需要做的就是安装轻量级 expo npm 包作为先决条件。

¥EAS Update also works with vanilla React Native apps. All you need to do is install the lightweight expo npm package as a prerequisite.


¥Customizable update strategies

使用 expo-updates API应用配置 配置应用中的行为。你将始终在塑造更新过程方面占据上风,而不会影响用户体验。

¥Configure behavior in your app using the expo-updates API and app config. You will always have the upper hand in shaping the update process without compromising your users' experience.


¥Get started

开始使用 EAS 更新

了解如何开始在项目中配置和使用 EAS Update 所需的设置。


了解如何使用 EAS Update 将更新发布到特定分支。

使用 GitHub 操作

提交后使用 QR 码发布更新和预览。


使用 EAS 更新查看队友的更改。