了解如何通过共享更新进行 QA 和测试来快速迭代。
EAS 更新帮助我们修复生产中的关键错误。它还可以帮助我们在开发过程中与团队一起更快地进行迭代。
¥EAS Update helps us fix critical bugs in production. It can also help us iterate faster with our team during development.
¥Distributing updates to others during development
无论新功能是正在开发、稳定、QA 还是批评,在发布到生产之前允许其他人预览其外观和感觉通常很有用。
¥Whether a new feature is being developed, stabilized, QA'd, or critiqued, it's often useful to allow others to preview what it looks and feels like before it is released to production.
传统上预览意味着重新构建项目并将其手动分发给审阅者。在大多数情况下,使用 EAS Update 预览功能无需重建,并且可以帮助我们更快地预览新功能。
¥Traditionally previewing meant re-building the project and distributing it to a reviewer manually. Previewing features with EAS Update removes the need for rebuilding in most cases and can help us preview new features quicker.
¥A published update can be loaded in various environments:
具有匹配运行时版本的 开发构建,通过 内部分配 分发或作为模拟器或模拟器构建。
¥A development build with a matching runtime version, distributed through internal distribution or as an emulator or simulator build.
通过 Google Play beta、TestFlight 或 内部分配 分发的发布版本,具有匹配的运行时版本和指向已发布更新的分支的通道。通过此策略,通常会使用 "alpha" 或 "beta" 等 EAS 更新通道,并且将从源代码控制中的开发分支创建构建和更新。
¥A release build distributed via Google Play beta, TestFlight, or internal distribution with a matching runtime version and channel pointing to a branch with the published update. With this strategy, often an EAS Update channel like "alpha" or "beta" will be used, and builds and updates will be created from development branches in source control.
在不使用自定义原生代码的情况下,Expo Go 还可以加载已发布的更新。
¥Expo Go can also load published updates in cases where custom native code is not used.