
了解如何使用应用商店、内部分发和 EAS 更新分发你的应用以供审核。

本页概述了与你的团队共享应用预览版本以进行 QA 和审核的三种方法:使用 EAS Update 的应用商店测试轨道、内部分发和开发版本。

¥This page outlines three approaches to sharing a preview version of your app with your team for QA and review: app store testing tracks, internal distribution, and development builds with EAS Update.

Can I use Expo Go for reviewing releases?

尽管 Expo Go 是一个开源沙盒,可以很好地预览 Android 和 iOS 上的独立原型,但它并不适用于生产应用。在应用的预览过程中应避免使用它。

¥Even though Expo Go is an open-source sandbox that can be good for previewing isolated prototypes on Android and iOS, it is not intended for production apps. It should be avoided during the preview process of your app.


¥App store testing tracks

通过应用商店测试轨道分发应用时,你只能使用发布版本。你不能使用此方法分发开发版本。另一种方法是使用 "内部分发",它适用于发布和开发版本。

¥When distributing apps through app store testing tracks, you can only use release builds. You cannot use this method to distribute development builds. An alternative approach is to use "Internal distribution", which works with both release and development builds.

安卓:Google Play 测试版为 Android 应用提供了封闭和开放轨道。 =你可以邀请特定用户在封闭测试版中测试你的应用。在公开测试版中,你可以向参与测试计划的任何人提供你的应用。

¥Android: Google Play beta provides both closed and open tracks for Android apps. You can invite specific users to test your app in the closed beta. In the open beta, you can make your app available to anyone participating in the beta program.

iOS:Apple 为 iOS 应用提供 TestFlight,允许你与最多 100 名内部测试人员或最多 10,000 名外部测试人员共享你的应用。

¥iOS: Apple provides TestFlight for iOS apps, which allows you to share your app with up to 100 internal testers, or up to 10,000 external testers.

EAS 提交


使用 EAS Build 进行内部分发

¥Internal distribution with EAS Build

内部分发 是 EAS 提供的一项功能,允许开发者创建构建并通过 URL 轻松共享它们。可以在设备上打开 URL 来安装应用。该应用以可安装的 Android APK 或临时配置的 iOS 应用形式提供。

¥Internal distribution is a feature provided by EAS that allows developers to create builds and easily share them with a URL. The URL can be opened on a device to install the app. The app is provided as an installable APK for Android or an ad hoc provisioned app for iOS.

一旦创建了内部分发版本,就可以下载和安装 - 无需填写任何表格或等待批准/处理。你可以使用内部分发来共享发布版本和开发版本。

¥As soon as an internal distribution build is created, it is available for download and installation — no need to fill out any forms or wait for approval/processing. You can use internal distribution to share both release and development builds.


了解 EAS Build 如何为你的构建提供可与你的团队共享的 URL,以便进行内部分发。

开发版本和 EAS 更新

¥Development builds and EAS Update

你可以使用 开发构建 在审核阶段通过使用 EAS 更新 发布更新来加载应用的预览。通过内部分发共享开发版本并安装它后,你可以启动使用 EAS Update 发布的任何更新,只要它与已安装的版本兼容即可。了解有关 运行时版本和更新 的更多信息。

¥You can use development builds to load previews of your app during the review stage by publishing an update with EAS Update. After sharing a development build through internal distribution and installing it, you can launch any update that you published with EAS Update, as long as it is compatible with the installed build. Learn more about Runtime versions and updates.

You can use the Expo dashboard to launch updates and share a link to a specific update.
You can explore and launch updates directly from a development build.
You can configure GitHub actions to automatically publish updates on PRs and commits.

这种方法非常强大,因为它允许你以运行 eas update 的速度响应反馈。与你的团队共享应用的新版本可能需要几秒钟,你可以这样做而无需重建应用或将其上传到商店测试轨道。

¥This approach is uniquely powerful because it allows you to respond to feedback as quickly as you can run eas update. It can take seconds to share a new version of your app with your team, and you can do so without needing to rebuild the app or upload it to a store test track.

开始使用 EAS 更新

Learn how to get started using expo-updates library and use EAS Update in your project.

使用 GitHub 操作

了解如何使用 GitHub Actions 自动化使用 EAS Update 发布更新的过程。它还可以使更新部署一致且快速,让你有更多时间开发应用。

Use expo-dev-client with EAS Update

Learn how to use expo-dev-client in your project to launch different app versions and preview a published update inside a development build.