
了解如何使用 EAS Submit 从命令行将应用提交到 Google Play 商店和 Apple App Store。

EAS Submit 是一项托管服务,允许使用 EAS CLI 上传应用二进制文件并将其提交到应用商店。本指南介绍如何使用 EAS Submit 将你的应用提交到 Google Play Store 和 Apple App Store。

¥EAS Submit is a hosted service that allows uploading and submitting app binaries to the app stores using EAS CLI. This guide describes how to submit your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store using EAS Submit.

How to quickly publish to the App Store & Play Store with EAS Submit
How to quickly publish to the App Store & Play Store with EAS Submit

EAS Submit makes it easy to publish your apps to the App Store and Play Store with a simple command.


¥Google Play Store




需要付费开发者账户 — 你可以在 Google Play 管理中心注册页面 上创建 Google Play 开发者账户。

¥A paid developer account is required — You can create a Google Play Developer account on the Google Play Console sign-up page.


创建 谷歌服务账户 并下载其 JSON 私钥。

¥Create a Google Service Account and download its JSON private key.


谷歌游戏控制台 上创建一个应用并至少手动上传一次应用。

¥Create an app on Google Play Console and upload your app manually at least once.


使用 EAS Build 为 Google Play 商店提交签名的原生应用二进制文件。如果你没有遵循之前的指南,请参阅 为应用商店构建你的项目 了解更多信息。

¥Native app binary signed for Google Play Store submission using EAS Build. If you haven't followed the previous guide, see Build your project for app stores for more information.

尽管可以将任何二进制文件上传到商店,但每次提交都与一个 Expo 项目相关联。这就是为什么从项目目录内部开始提交很重要,因为 应用配置 是在该目录内定义的。

¥Although it's possible to upload any binary to the store, each submission is associated with an Expo project. That's why it's important to start a submission from inside your project's directory because app config is defined inside that directory.

将二进制文件提交到 Google Play 商店

¥Submit binary to Google Play Store

要将应用二进制文件提交到 Google Play 商店,请从项目目录中运行以下命令:

¥To submit the app binary to Google Play Store, run the following command from inside your project's directory:

eas submit -p android


¥The command will lead you through the process of submitting the app. It will perform the following steps:

  • 登录你的 Expo 账户并确保你的应用项目存在于 EAS 服务器上。

    ¥Log in to your Expo account and ensure that your app project exists on EAS servers.

  • 提示输入 Android 包名称,除非在应用配置中设置了 android.package

    ¥Prompt for the Android package name unless android.package is set in the app config.

  • 询问要提交哪个二进制文件。你可以选择以下选项之一:

    ¥Ask for which binary to submit. You can select one of the following:

    • EAS 服务器上项目的最新 Android 版本已完成。

      ¥The latest finished Android build for the project on EAS servers.

    • 特定的构建 ID。它可以在 构建仪表板 上找到。

      ¥Specific build ID. It can be found on the builds dashboard.

    • 本地文件系统上 .apk 或 .aab 存档的路径。

      ¥Path to an .apk or .aab archive on your local filesystem.

    • 应用存档的 URL。

      ¥URL to the app archive.

    如果提供以下 CLI 参数之一,则可以跳过此步骤:--latest--id--path--url

    ¥This step can be skipped if one of the following CLI parameters is provided: --latest, --id, --path, or --url.

  • 除非 eas.json 中提供了 serviceAccountKeyPath,否则系统将提示你输入 Google 服务 JSON 密钥的路径。

    ¥Unless serviceAccountKeyPath is provided in eas.json, you will be prompted for the path to your Google Services JSON key.

  • 将显示所提供配置的摘要,并开始提交过程。屏幕上会显示提交进度。

    ¥The summary of provided configuration is displayed and the submission process begins. The submission progress is displayed on the screen.

  • 你的构建现在应该可以在 Google Play Console 上看到。如果出现问题,屏幕上会显示相应的消息。

    ¥Your build should now be visible on Google Play Console. If something goes wrong, an appropriate message is displayed on the screen.


¥Apple App Store

使用单个命令直接构建生产应用并将其提交到 Apple App Store:

¥Build and submit production apps directly to the Apple App Store with a single command:

eas build -p ios --submit




注册 苹果开发者计划。此过程可能需要大约 24 小时,并且每年需要支付 99 美元的费用。

¥Enroll in the Apple Developer Program. This process can take about 24 hours and requires an annual fee of $99 USD.


拥有为 Apple App Store 分发签名的原生应用二进制文件。请参阅 为应用商店构建你的项目 了解更多信息。

¥Have a native app binary signed for Apple App Store distribution. See Build your project for app stores for more information.

将二进制文件提交到 Apple App Store

¥Submit binary to Apple App Store

要将 iOS 应用提交到 App Store,请从项目目录中运行以下命令:

¥To submit the iOS app to the App Store, run the following command from inside your project's directory:

eas submit -p ios


¥The command will lead you through the process of submitting the app. It will perform the following steps:

  • 登录你的 Expo 账户并确保你的应用项目存在于 EAS 服务器上。

    ¥Log in to your Expo account and ensure that your app project exists on EAS servers.

  • 确保你的应用存在于 App Store Connect 上,并且其 打包包标识符 已在 Apple Developer Portal 上注册:

    ¥Ensure that your app exists on App Store Connect and its Bundle Identifier is registered on Apple Developer Portal:

    • 系统会要求你登录你的 Apple 开发者账户并选择你的团队。你还可以通过在提交配置文件中设置 appleIdappleTeamId 在 eas.json 中提供此信息。Apple ID 密码必须使用 EXPO_APPLE_PASSWORD 环境变量进行设置。

      ¥You will be asked to log in to your Apple Developer account and select your team. You can also provide this information in eas.json by setting appleId and appleTeamId in the submit profile. The Apple ID password has to be set with the EXPO_APPLE_PASSWORD environment variable.

    • 该命令将在应用配置中查找 ios.bundleIdentifier

      ¥The command will look for ios.bundleIdentifier in the app config.

    • 如果你是第一次提交应用,它将自动创建。除非在你的应用配置中找到 expo.name 或在 eas.json 中提供了 appName,否则系统将提示你输入应用名称。你还可以使用 eas.json 中的 languagesku 键指定应用的语言和 SKU。如果你以前从未提交过任何应用,你可能还需要使用 companyName 指定你的公司名称。

      ¥If you are submitting your app for the first time, it will be automatically created. Unless expo.name in your app configuration is found or appName is provided in eas.json, you will be prompted for the app name. You can also specify your app's language and SKU using language and sku keys in eas.json. If you have never submitted any app before, you may also have to specify your company name with companyName.

    • 创建一个内部 TestFlight 组,并添加所有账户管理员。这可以即时访问最新版本。

      ¥Create an internal TestFlight group with all account admins added. This enables instant access to the latest builds.

    如果你已经有 App Store Connect 应用,则可以通过在提交配置文件中提供 ascAppId 来跳过此步骤。ASC 应用 ID 可以在 App Store Connect 上找到,或者稍后在提交摘要表中执行此命令时找到。

    ¥If you already have an App Store Connect app, this step can be skipped by providing the ascAppId in the submit profile. The ASC App ID can be found either on App Store Connect, or later during this command in the Submission Summary table.

  • 确保你设置了正确的凭据。如果找不到,你可以让 EAS CLI 为你设置一些。

    ¥Ensure you have the proper credentials set up. If none can be found, you can let EAS CLI set some up for you.

Do you want to use your own credentials?

App Store 连接 API 密钥:创建你自己的 API 密钥,然后使用 eas.json 中的 ascApiKeyPathascApiKeyIssuerIdascApiKeyId 字段进行设置。

¥App Store Connect API Key: Create your own API Key then set it with the ascApiKeyPath, ascApiKeyIssuerId, and ascApiKeyId fields in eas.json.

应用专用密码:通过分别将 password 和 Apple ID 用户名与 eas.json 中的 EXPO_APPLE_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD 环境变量和 appleId 字段一起传递来提供你的 password 和 Apple ID 用户名。

¥App Specific Password: Provide your password and Apple ID Username by passing them in with the EXPO_APPLE_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD environment variable and appleId field in eas.json, respectively.

  • 询问要提交哪个二进制文件。你可以选择以下选项之一:

    ¥Ask for which binary to submit. You can select one of the following:

    • EAS 服务器上该项目的最新成功 iOS 版本。

      ¥The latest successful iOS build for the project on EAS servers.

    • 特定的构建 ID。它可以在 构建仪表板 上找到。

      ¥Specific build ID. It can be found on the builds dashboard.

    • 本地文件系统上 .ipa 存档的路径。

      ¥Path to an .ipa archive on your local filesystem.

    • 应用存档的 URL。

      ¥URL to the app archive.

    如果提供以下 CLI 参数之一,则可以跳过此步骤:--latest--id--path--url

    ¥This step can be skipped if one of the following CLI parameters is provided: --latest, --id, --path, or --url.

  • 将显示所提供配置的摘要,并开始提交过程。屏幕上会显示提交进度。

    ¥A summary of the provided configuration is displayed and the submission process begins. The submission progress is displayed on the screen.

  • 你的构建现在应该在 应用商店连接 上可见。如果出现问题,屏幕上会显示相应的消息。

    ¥Your build should now be visible on App Store Connect. If something goes wrong, an appropriate message is displayed on the screen.


¥Manual submission to app stores

要了解有关向 Google Play Store 和 Apple App Store 手动提交应用流程的更多信息,请参阅以下内容:

¥To learn more about manual app submission process to Google Play Store and Apple App Store, see the following:

手动首次提交 Android 应用

按照 FYI 指南中的步骤,首次手动将你的应用提交到 Google Play Store。

使用 App Store Connect 提交应用

了解如何使用 App Store Connect 手动将你的应用提交到 Apple App Store 或 TestFlight。


¥Next step

EAS 使用 eas.json 提交配置

了解如何使用 eas.json 文件和 EAS Submit 来预配置你的项目,以及有关 Android 或 iOS 特定选项的更多信息。