使用 BugSnag

有关安装和配置 BugSnag 以进行端到端错误报告和分析的指南。

BugSnag 是一种稳定性监控解决方案,可提供丰富的端到端错误报告和分析,以快速、精确地重现和修复错误。BugSnag 支持包含 50 个平台 多个开源库的完整堆栈,包括 React Native

¥BugSnag is a stability monitoring solution that provides rich, end-to-end error reporting and analytics to reproduce and fix errors with speed and precision. BugSnag supports the full stack with open-source libraries for more than 50 platforms, including React Native.

借助 BugSnag,开发者和工程组织可以:

¥With BugSnag, developers and engineering organizations can:

  • 稳定:通过了解何时构建新功能和修复错误来加快创新速度。使用发布运行状况仪表板、稳定性分数和目标,以及通过电子邮件、Slack、PagerDuty 等提供的内置警报。

    ¥Stabilize: Innovate faster by knowing when to build new features versus fix bugs. Use the release health dashboard, stability scores and targets, and built-in alerts via email, Slack, PagerDuty, and more.

  • 优先考虑:通过识别对应用稳定性影响最大的错误并确定优先级来改善客户体验。分析按根本原因分组的问题,并按业务影响、客户细分、A/B 测试和实验结果排序。

    ¥Prioritize: Improve customer experience by identifying and prioritizing bugs that have the greatest impact on app stability. Analyze issues grouped by root cause and sorted by business impact, customer segmentation, A/B testing and experiment results.

  • 使固定:通过减少重现和修复错误的时间来提高生产力。利用强大的诊断数据、完整的堆栈跟踪和自动面包屑。

    ¥Fix: Increase productivity by spending less time on reproducing and fixing bugs. Utilize powerful diagnostic data, full stacktraces and automatic breadcrumbs.



请参阅下面的集成指南,了解有关将 BugSnag 添加到 Expo 应用以报告 JavaScript 错误的说明。它还包括上传 EAS 更新 发布的更新的源映射的说明。

¥See the integration guide below for instructions on adding BugSnag to your Expo apps to report JavaScript errors. It also includes instructions for uploading source maps for updates published with EAS Update.

如果你是 BugSnag 新手,你可以选择 创建一个账户请求演示

¥If you're new to BugSnag, you can create an account or request a demo.

Expo BugSnag 集成

请参阅有关如何将 BugSnag 与 Expo 应用集成的官方指南。