隐私盾和 Expo

Expo 已通过隐私盾认证,你可以在使用 Expo 时了解你作为用户的权利。

Expo 隐私护盾经过认证吗?

¥Is Expo Privacy Shield certified?


¥Yes! Here is our Privacy Shield participant page.

由于我们获得了隐私盾认证,因此我们的所有用户都有权获得我们对我们是否保留与你相关的个人信息的确认,并有权访问、更正、修改或删除该数据。任何更改数据的请求均应发送至 secure@expo.dev,并且所有请求必须来自与该 Expo 账户关联的电子邮件。

¥Because we are Privacy Shield certified, all of our users have the right to obtain our confirmation of whether we maintain personal information relating to you, and the right to access, correct, amend, or delete that data. Any requests for alteration of data should be sent to secure@expo.dev, and all requests must come from the email associated with that Expo account.

如果要求更改、删除或限制数据的使用或披露,我们将在收到后四十五 (45) 天内响应。

¥If requested to alter, remove, or limit the use or disclosure of data, we will respond within forty-five (45) days of receipt.

你可以在我们的 隐私政策 中找到与隐私护盾相关的所有主题(例如我们收集哪些数据、为何收集以及如何收集)的全面解释。

¥You can find a thorough explanation of all the topics that are relevant to Privacy Shield (such as what data we collect, why, and how) in our privacy policy.


有关隐私盾的更多信息,请访问 www.privacyshield.gov。