This is documentation for the next SDK version. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (SDK 52).
Expo Constants
An API that provides system information that remains constant throughout the lifetime of your app's installation.
provides system information that remains constant throughout the lifetime of your app's installation.
npx expo install expo-constants
If you are installing this in an existing React Native app, start by installing expo
in your project. Then, follow the additional instructions as mentioned by the library's README under "Installation in bare React Native projects" section.
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
Type: Record<string, any>
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
versionCode | number |
The version code set by |
Type: ManifestsEASConfig
Type: ManifestsExpoGoConfig
Type: Record<string, any>
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
buildNumber | string | null | The build number specified in the embedded Info.plist value for |
model | string | null |
The human-readable model name of this device. For example, |
platform | string |
The Apple internal model identifier for this device. Example
systemVersion | string |
The version of iOS running on this device. Example
userInterfaceIdiom | UserInterfaceIdiom |
The user interface idiom of the current device, such as whether the app is running on an iPhone, iPad, Mac or Apple TV. |
Type: ExpoUpdatesManifest
Type: ManifestAssetForReExport
Type: ManifestExtraForReExport
Type: Record<string, any>
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
appOwnership | AppOwnership | null |
Returns |
debugMode | boolean | Returns |
deviceName(optional) | string | A human-readable name for the device type. |
deviceYearClass | number | null |
The device year class of this device. |
easConfig | ManifestsEASConfig | null | The standard EAS config object populated when using EAS. |
executionEnvironment | ExecutionEnvironment | Returns the current execution environment. |
experienceUrl | string | - |
expoConfig | ExpoConfig & {
hostUri: string
} | null | The standard Expo config object defined in app.json and app.config.js files. For both classic and modern manifests, whether they are embedded or remote. |
expoGoConfig | ManifestsExpoGoConfig | null | The standard Expo Go config object populated when running in Expo Go. |
expoRuntimeVersion | string | null | Nullable only on the web. |
expoVersion | string | null | The version string of the Expo Go app currently running.
Returns |
getWebViewUserAgentAsync | () => Promise<string | null> | Gets the user agent string which would be included in requests sent by a web view running on
this device. This is probably not the same user agent you might be providing in your JS |
intentUri(optional) | string | - |
isDetached(optional) | boolean | - |
isHeadless | boolean | Returns |
linkingUri | string | - |
manifest2 | ExpoUpdatesManifest | null | Manifest for Expo apps using modern Expo Updates from a remote source, such as apps that
use EAS Update. |
platform(optional) | PlatformManifest | Returns the specific platform manifest object.
sessionId | string | A string that is unique to the current session of your app. It is different across apps and across multiple launches of the same app. |
statusBarHeight | number | The default status bar height for the device. Does not factor in changes when location tracking is in use or a phone call is active. |
systemFonts | string[] | A list of the system font names available on the current device. |
systemVersion(optional) | number | - |
Type: Record<string, any>
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
android(optional) | AndroidManifest | - |
detach(optional) | {
scheme: string
} | - |
developer(optional) | string | - |
hostUri(optional) | string | - |
ios(optional) | IOSManifest | - |
scheme(optional) | string | - |
web(optional) | WebManifest | - |
Deprecated Use
AppOwnership.Expo = "expo"
The experience is running inside the Expo Go app.
Current supported values are handset
, tablet
, desktop
and tv
. CarPlay will show up
as unsupported