This is documentation for the next SDK version. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version (SDK 52).
Expo FileSystem
A library that provides access to the local file system on the device.
provides access to a file system stored locally on the device. It is also capable of uploading and downloading files from network URLs.
How expo-file-system works differently inside of the Expo Go app
Within Expo Go, each project has a separate file system scope and has no access to the file system of other projects.
npx expo install expo-file-system
If you are installing this in an existing React Native app, start by installing expo
in your project. Then, follow the additional instructions as mentioned by the library's README under "Installation in bare React Native projects" section.
Are you using this library in a bare React Native app?
Learn how to configure the native projects in the installation instructions in the expo-file-system
Downloading files
const callback = downloadProgress => {
const progress = downloadProgress.totalBytesWritten / downloadProgress.totalBytesExpectedToWrite;
downloadProgress: progress,
const downloadResumable = FileSystem.createDownloadResumable(
FileSystem.documentDirectory + 'small.mp4',
try {
const { uri } = await downloadResumable.downloadAsync();
console.log('Finished downloading to ', uri);
} catch (e) {
try {
await downloadResumable.pauseAsync();
console.log('Paused download operation, saving for future retrieval');
AsyncStorage.setItem('pausedDownload', JSON.stringify(downloadResumable.savable()));
} catch (e) {
try {
const { uri } = await downloadResumable.resumeAsync();
console.log('Finished downloading to ', uri);
} catch (e) {
//To resume a download across app restarts, assuming the DownloadResumable.savable() object was stored:
const downloadSnapshotJson = await AsyncStorage.getItem('pausedDownload');
const downloadSnapshot = JSON.parse(downloadSnapshotJson);
const downloadResumable = new FileSystem.DownloadResumable(
try {
const { uri } = await downloadResumable.resumeAsync();
console.log('Finished downloading to ', uri);
} catch (e) {
Managing Giphy's
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
const gifDir = FileSystem.cacheDirectory + 'giphy/';
const gifFileUri = (gifId: string) => gifDir + `gif_${gifId}_200.gif`;
const gifUrl = (gifId: string) => `${gifId}/200.gif`;
// Checks if gif directory exists. If not, creates it
async function ensureDirExists() {
const dirInfo = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(gifDir);
if (!dirInfo.exists) {
console.log("Gif directory doesn't exist, creating…");
await FileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync(gifDir, { intermediates: true });
// Downloads all gifs specified as array of IDs
export async function addMultipleGifs(gifIds: string[]) {
try {
await ensureDirExists();
console.log('Downloading', gifIds.length, 'gif files…');
await Promise.all( => FileSystem.downloadAsync(gifUrl(id), gifFileUri(id))));
} catch (e) {
console.error("Couldn't download gif files:", e);
// Returns URI to our local gif file
// If our gif doesn't exist locally, it downloads it
export async function getSingleGif(gifId: string) {
await ensureDirExists();
const fileUri = gifFileUri(gifId);
const fileInfo = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(fileUri);
if (!fileInfo.exists) {
console.log("Gif isn't cached locally. Downloading…");
await FileSystem.downloadAsync(gifUrl(gifId), fileUri);
return fileUri;
// Exports shareable URI - it can be shared outside your app
export async function getGifContentUri(gifId: string) {
return FileSystem.getContentUriAsync(await getSingleGif(gifId));
// Deletes whole giphy directory with all its content
export async function deleteAllGifs() {
console.log('Deleting all GIF files…');
await FileSystem.deleteAsync(gifDir);
Server: handling multipart requests
The simple server in Node.js, which can save uploaded images to disk:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const fs = require('fs');
const multer = require('multer');
const upload = multer({ dest: 'uploads/' });
// This method will save the binary content of the request as a file.
app.patch('/binary-upload', (req, res) => {
req.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('./uploads/image' + + '.png'));
// This method will save a "photo" field from the request as a file.
app.patch('/multipart-upload', upload.single('photo'), (req, res) => {
// You can access other HTTP parameters. They are located in the body object.
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Working on port 3000');
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
The API takes file://
URIs pointing to local files on the device to identify files. Each app only has read and write access to locations under the following directories:
So, for example, the URI to a file named 'myFile'
under 'myDirectory'
in the app's user documents directory would be FileSystem.documentDirectory + 'myDirectory/myFile'
Expo APIs that create files generally operate within these directories. This includes Audio
recordings, Camera
photos, ImagePicker
results, SQLite
databases and takeSnapShotAsync()
results. This allows their use with the FileSystem
Some FileSystem
functions are able to read from (but not write to) other locations.
A SAF URI is a URI that is compatible with the Storage Access Framework. It should look like this content://*
The easiest way to obtain such URI is by requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync
Type: null | string
URI to the directory where assets bundled with the application are stored.
Type: null | string
URI pointing to the directory where temporary files used by this app will be stored.
Files stored here may be automatically deleted by the system when low on storage.
Example uses are for downloaded or generated files that the app just needs for one-time usage.
Type: null | string
URI pointing to the directory where user documents for this app will be stored.
Files stored here will remain until explicitly deleted by the app. Ends with a trailing /
Example uses are for files the user saves that they expect to see again.
Type: Class extends FileSystemCancellableNetworkTask<DownloadProgressData>
DownloadResumable Properties
DownloadResumable Methods
Download the contents at a remote URI to a file in the app's file system.
Promise<undefined | FileSystemDownloadResult>
Returns a Promise that resolves to FileSystemDownloadResult
object, or to undefined
when task was cancelled.
Pause the current download operation. resumeData
is added to the DownloadResumable
object after a successful pause operation.
Returns an object that can be saved with AsyncStorage
for future retrieval (the same object that is returned from calling FileSystem.DownloadResumable.savable()
Returns a Promise that resolves to DownloadPauseState
Resume a paused download operation.
Promise<undefined | FileSystemDownloadResult>
Returns a Promise that resolves to FileSystemDownloadResult
object, or to undefined
when task was cancelled.
Method to get the object which can be saved with AsyncStorage
for future retrieval.
Returns object in shape of DownloadPauseState
FileSystemCancellableNetworkTask Methods
Type: Class extends FileSystemCancellableNetworkTask<UploadProgressData>
UploadTask Methods
Promise<undefined | FileSystemUploadResult>
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | RelocatingOptions | A map of move options represented by |
Create a copy of a file or directory. Directories are recursively copied with all of their contents. It can be also used to copy content shared by other apps to local filesystem.
Parameter | Type | Description |
uri | string | The remote URI to download from. |
fileUri | string | The local URI of the file to download to. If there is no file at this URI, a new one is created. If there is a file at this URI, its contents are replaced. The directory for the file must exist. |
options(optional) | DownloadOptions | A map of download options represented by |
callback(optional) | FileSystemNetworkTaskProgressCallback<DownloadProgressData> | This function is called on each data write to update the download progress.
resumeData(optional) | string | The string which allows the api to resume a paused download. This is set on the |
Create a DownloadResumable
object which can start, pause, and resume a download of contents at a remote URI to a file in the app's file system.
Note: You need to call
, on aDownloadResumable
instance to initiate the download. TheDownloadResumable
object has a callback that provides download progress updates. Downloads can be resumed across app restarts by usingAsyncStorage
to store theDownloadResumable.savable()
object for later retrieval. Thesavable
object contains the arguments required to initialize a newDownloadResumable
object to resume the download after an app restart. The directory for a local file uri must exist prior to calling this function.
Parameter | Type |
url | string |
fileUri | string |
options(optional) | FileSystemUploadOptions |
callback(optional) | FileSystemNetworkTaskProgressCallback<UploadProgressData> |
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
options(optional) | DeletingOptions | A map of write options represented by Default: {} |
Delete a file or directory. If the URI points to a directory, the directory and all its contents are recursively deleted.
Parameter | Type | Description |
uri | string | The remote URI to download from. |
fileUri | string | The local URI of the file to download to. If there is no file at this URI, a new one is created. If there is a file at this URI, its contents are replaced. The directory for the file must exist. |
options(optional) | DownloadOptions | A map of download options represented by Default: {} |
Download the contents at a remote URI to a file in the app's file system. The directory for a local file uri must exist prior to calling this function.
Returns a Promise that resolves to a FileSystemDownloadResult
FileSystem.documentDirectory + 'small.mp4'
.then(({ uri }) => {
console.log('Finished downloading to ', uri);
.catch(error => {
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string | The local URI of the file. If there is no file at this URI, an exception will be thrown. |
Takes a file://
URI and converts it into content URI (content://
) so that it can be accessed by other applications outside of Expo.
Returns a Promise that resolves to a string
containing a content://
URI pointing to the file.
The URI is the same as the fileUri
input parameter but in a different format.
FileSystem.getContentUriAsync(uri).then(cUri => {
IntentLauncher.startActivityAsync('android.intent.action.VIEW', {
data: cUri,
flags: 1,
Gets the available internal disk storage size, in bytes. This returns the free space on the data partition that hosts all of the internal storage for all apps on the device.
Returns a Promise that resolves to the number of bytes available on the internal disk.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string | URI to the file or directory. See supported URI schemes. |
options(optional) | InfoOptions | A map of options represented by Default: {} |
Gets total internal disk storage size, in bytes. This is the total capacity of the data partition that hosts all the internal storage for all apps on the device.
Returns a Promise that resolves to a number that specifies the total internal disk storage capacity in bytes.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
options(optional) | MakeDirectoryOptions | A map of create directory options represented by Default: {} |
Create a new empty directory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | RelocatingOptions | A map of move options represented by |
Move a file or directory to a new location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
options(optional) | ReadingOptions | A map of read options represented by Default: {} |
Read the entire contents of a file as a string. Binary will be returned in raw format, you will need to append data:image/png;base64,
to use it as Base64.
A Promise that resolves to a string containing the entire contents of the file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
Enumerate the contents of a directory.
A Promise that resolves to an array of strings, each containing the name of a file or directory contained in the directory at fileUri
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | string | The remote URL, where the file will be sent. |
fileUri | string | The local URI of the file to send. The file must exist. |
options(optional) | FileSystemUploadOptions | A map of download options represented by Default: {} |
Upload the contents of the file pointed by fileUri
to the remote url.
Returns a Promise that resolves to FileSystemUploadResult
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
try {
const response = await FileSystem.uploadAsync(``, fileUri, {
fieldName: 'file',
httpMethod: 'PATCH',
uploadType: FileSystem.FileSystemUploadType.BINARY_CONTENT,
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 4));
} catch (error) {
Please refer to the "Server: Handling multipart requests" example - there is code for a simple Node.js server.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
contents | string | The string to replace the contents of the file with. |
options(optional) | WritingOptions | A map of write options represented by Default: {} |
Write the entire contents of a file as a string.
The StorageAccessFramework
is a namespace inside of the expo-file-system
module, which encapsulates all functions which can be used with SAF URIs.
You can read more about SAF in the Android documentation.
Basic Usage
import { StorageAccessFramework } from 'expo-file-system';
// Requests permissions for external directory
const permissions = await StorageAccessFramework.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync();
if (permissions.granted) {
// Gets SAF URI from response
const uri = permissions.directoryUri;
// Gets all files inside of selected directory
const files = await StorageAccessFramework.readDirectoryAsync(uri);
alert(`Files inside ${uri}:\n\n${JSON.stringify(files)}`);
Migrating an album
import * as MediaLibrary from 'expo-media-library';
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
const { StorageAccessFramework } = FileSystem;
async function migrateAlbum(albumName: string) {
// Gets SAF URI to the album
const albumUri = StorageAccessFramework.getUriForDirectoryInRoot(albumName);
// Requests permissions
const permissions = await StorageAccessFramework.requestDirectoryPermissionsAsync(albumUri);
if (!permissions.granted) {
const permittedUri = permissions.directoryUri;
// Checks if users selected the correct folder
if (!permittedUri.includes(albumName)) {
const mediaLibraryPermissions = await MediaLibrary.requestPermissionsAsync();
if (!mediaLibraryPermissions.granted) {
// Moves files from external storage to internal storage
await StorageAccessFramework.moveAsync({
from: permittedUri,
to: FileSystem.documentDirectory!,
const outputDir = FileSystem.documentDirectory! + albumName;
const migratedFiles = await FileSystem.readDirectoryAsync(outputDir);
// Creates assets from local files
const [newAlbumCreator, ...assets] = await Promise.all(<Promise<MediaLibrary.Asset>>(
async fileName => await MediaLibrary.createAssetAsync(outputDir + '/' + fileName)
// Album was empty
if (!newAlbumCreator) {
// Creates a new album in the scoped directory
const newAlbum = await MediaLibrary.createAlbumAsync(albumName, newAlbumCreator, false);
if (assets.length) {
await MediaLibrary.addAssetsToAlbumAsync(assets, newAlbum, false);
StorageAccessFramework Methods
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | RelocatingOptions | A map of move options represented by |
Parameter | Type | Description |
parentUri | string | The SAF URI to the parent directory. |
fileName | string | The name of new file without the extension. |
mimeType | string | The MIME type of new file. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
options(optional) | DeletingOptions | A map of write options represented by Default: {} |
Alias for deleteAsync
Parameter | Type | Description |
folderName | string | The name of the folder which is located in the Android root directory. |
Gets a SAF URI pointing to a folder in the Android root directory. You can use this function to get URI for
when you trying to migrate an album. In that case, the name of the album is the folder name.
Returns a SAF URI to a folder.
Parameter | Type | Description |
parentUri | string | The SAF URI to the parent directory. |
dirName | string | The name of new directory. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | RelocatingOptions | A map of move options represented by |
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
options(optional) | ReadingOptions | A map of read options represented by Default: {} |
Alias for readAsStringAsync
A Promise that resolves to a string containing the entire contents of the file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
dirUri | string | SAF URI to the directory. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
initialFileUrl(optional) | null | string | The SAF URI of the directory that the file picker should display when it first loads. If URI is incorrect or points to a non-existing folder, it's ignored. Default: null |
Allows users to select a specific directory, granting your app access to all of the files and sub-directories within that directory.
Returns a Promise that resolves to FileSystemRequestDirectoryPermissionsResult
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileUri | string |
contents | string | The string to replace the contents of the file with. |
options(optional) | WritingOptions | A map of write options represented by Default: {} |
Alias for writeAsStringAsync
Property | Type | Description |
idempotent(optional) | boolean | If Default: false |
Property | Type | Description |
cache(optional) | boolean | - |
headers(optional) | Record<string, string> | An object containing all the HTTP header fields and their values for the download network request. The keys and values of the object are the header names and values respectively. |
md5(optional) | boolean | If Default: false |
sessionType(optional) | FileSystemSessionType | Only for: iOS A session type. Determines if tasks can be handled in the background. On Android, sessions always work in the background and you can't change it. Default: FileSystemSessionType.BACKGROUND |
Property | Type | Description |
fileUri | string | The local URI of the file to download to. If there is no file at this URI, a new one is created. If there is a file at this URI, its contents are replaced. |
options | DownloadOptions | Object representing the file download options. |
resumeData(optional) | string | The string which allows the API to resume a paused download. |
url | string | The remote URI to download from. |
Deprecated use
Type: FileSystemNetworkTaskProgressCallback<DownloadProgressData>
Property | Type | Description |
totalBytesExpectedToWrite | number | The total bytes expected to be written by the download operation. A value of |
totalBytesWritten | number | The total bytes written by the download operation. |
Deprecated Use
Type: FileSystemDownloadResult
Type: object
shaped as below:
Property | Type | Description |
exists | true | Signifies that the requested file exist. |
isDirectory | boolean | Boolean set to |
md5(optional) | string | Present if the |
modificationTime | number | The last modification time of the file expressed in seconds since epoch. |
size | number | The size of the file in bytes. If operating on a source such as an iCloud file, only present if the |
uri | string | A |
Or object shaped as below:
Property | Type | Description |
exists | false | - |
isDirectory | false | - |
uri | string | - |
Literal Type: string
Acceptable values are: 'POST'
| 'PUT'
Type: FileSystemHttpResult
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
md5(optional) | string | Present if the |
uri | string | A |
Property | Type | Description |
headers | Record<string, string> | An object containing all the HTTP response header fields and their values for the download network request. The keys and values of the object are the header names and values respectively. |
mimeType | string | null | - |
status | number | The HTTP response status code for the download network request. |
Type: object
shaped as below:
Property | Type | Description |
granted | false | - |
Or object shaped as below:
Property | Type | Description |
directoryUri | string | The SAF URI to the user's selected directory. Available only if permissions were granted. |
granted | true | - |
Type: UploadOptionsBinary | UploadOptionsMultipart
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
headers(optional) | Record<string, string> | An object containing all the HTTP header fields and their values for the upload network request. The keys and values of the object are the header names and values respectively. |
httpMethod(optional) | FileSystemAcceptedUploadHttpMethod | The request method. Default: FileSystemAcceptedUploadHttpMethod.POST |
sessionType(optional) | FileSystemSessionType | Only for: iOS A session type. Determines if tasks can be handled in the background. On Android, sessions always work in the background and you can't change it. Default: FileSystemSessionType.BACKGROUND |
Type: FileSystemHttpResult
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
body | string | The body of the server response. |
Property | Type | Description |
md5(optional) | boolean | Whether to return the MD5 hash of the file. Default: false |
size(optional) | boolean | Explicitly specify that the file size should be included. For example, skipping this can prevent downloading the file if it's stored in iCloud.
The size is always returned for |
Property | Type | Description |
intermediates(optional) | boolean | If Default: false |
Property | Type | Description |
encoding(optional) | EncodingType | 'utf8' | 'base64' | The encoding format to use when reading the file. Default: EncodingType.UTF8 |
length(optional) | number | Optional number of bytes to read. This option is only used when |
position(optional) | number | Optional number of bytes to skip. This option is only used when |
Property | Type | Description |
from | string | URI or SAF URI to the asset, file, or directory. See supported URI schemes. |
to | string |
Upload options when upload type is set to binary.
Property | Type | Description |
uploadType(optional) | FileSystemUploadType | Upload type determines how the file will be sent to the server.
Value will be |
Upload options when upload type is set to multipart.
Property | Type | Description |
fieldName(optional) | string | The name of the field which will hold uploaded file. Defaults to the file name without an extension. |
mimeType(optional) | string | The MIME type of the provided file. If not provided, the module will try to guess it based on the extension. |
parameters(optional) | Record<string, string> | Additional form properties. They will be located in the request body. |
uploadType | FileSystemUploadType | Upload type determines how the file will be sent to the server.
Value will be |
Property | Type | Description |
totalBytesExpectedToSend | number | The total bytes expected to be sent by the upload operation. |
totalBytesSent | number | The total bytes sent by the upload operation. |
Property | Type | Description |
encoding(optional) | EncodingType | 'utf8' | 'base64' | The encoding format to use when writing the file. Default: FileSystem.EncodingType.UTF8 |
These values can be used to define how file system data is read / written.
These values can be used to define how sessions work on iOS.
FileSystemSessionType.BACKGROUND = 0
Using this mode means that the downloading/uploading session on the native side will work even if the application is moved to background. If the task completes while the application is in background, the Promise will be either resolved immediately or (if the application execution has already been stopped) once the app is moved to foreground again.
Note: The background session doesn't fail if the server or your connection is down. Rather, it continues retrying until the task succeeds or is canceled manually.
FileSystemUploadType.BINARY_CONTENT = 0
The file will be sent as a request's body. The request can't contain additional data.
FileSystemUploadType.MULTIPART = 1
An RFC 2387-compliant request body. The provided file will be encoded into HTTP request.
This request can contain additional data represented by UploadOptionsMultipart
Supported URI schemes
In this table, you can see what type of URI can be handled by each method. For example, if you have an URI, which begins with content://
, you cannot use FileSystem.readAsStringAsync()
, but you can use FileSystem.copyAsync()
which supports this scheme.
Method name | Android | iOS |
getInfoAsync | file:/// ,content:// ,asset:// ,no scheme | file:// ,ph:// ,assets-library:// |
readAsStringAsync | file:/// ,asset:// ,SAF URI | file:// |
writeAsStringAsync | file:/// ,SAF URI | file:// |
deleteAsync | file:/// ,SAF URI | file:// |
moveAsync | Source:file:/// ,SAF URI Destination: file:// | Source:file:// Destination: file:// |
copyAsync | Source:file:/// ,content:// ,asset:// ,SAF URI, no scheme Destination: file:// | Source:file:// ,ph:// ,assets-library:// Destination: file:// |
makeDirectoryAsync | file:/// | file:// |
readDirectoryAsync | file:/// | file:// |
downloadAsync | Source:http:// ,https:// Destination: file:/// | Source:http:// ,https:// Destination: file:// |
uploadAsync | Source:file:/// Destination: http:// https:// | Source:file:// Destination: http:// https:// |
createDownloadResumable | Source:http:// ,https:// Destination: file:/// | Source:http:// ,https:// Destination: file:// |
On Android no scheme defaults to a bundled resource.
The following permissions are added automatically through this library's AndroidManifest.xml.
Android Permission | Description |
Allows an application to read from external storage. | |
Allows an application to write to external storage. | |
Allows applications to open network sockets. |
No permissions required.