

静态资源是与应用的二进制文件(原生二进制文件)打包在一起的文件。此文件类型不是包含应用代码的应用 JavaScript 打包包的一部分。常见的静态资源类型包括图片、视频、声音、SQLite 的数据库文件和字体。这些资源可以从你的项目本地提供,也可以通过网络远程提供。

¥A static asset is a file that is bundled with your app's binary (native binary). This file type is not part of your app's JavaScript bundle which contain your app's code. Common types of static assets include images, videos, sounds, database files for SQLite, and fonts. These assets can be served locally from your project or remotely over the network.


¥This guide covers different ways you can load and use static assets in your project and also provides additional information on how to optimize and minify assets.


¥Serve an asset locally

当资源存储在项目的文件系统中时,它可以在构建时嵌入到应用二进制文件中或在运行时加载。你可以使用 requireimport 语句将其像 JavaScript 模块一样导入。

¥When an asset is stored in your project's file system, it can be embedded in your app binary at build time or loaded at runtime. You can import it like a JavaScript module using require or import statements.

例如,要在 App.js 中渲染名为 example.png 的图片,你可以使用 require 从项目的 assets/images 目录导入图片并将其传递给 <Image> 组件:

¥For example, to render an image called example.png in App.js, you can use require to import the image from the project's assets/images directory and pass it to the <Image> component:

<Image source={require('./assets/images/example.png')} />

在上面的例子中,打包器读取导入图片的元数据并自动提供宽度和高度。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 静态图片资源

¥In the above example, the bundler reads the imported image's metadata and automatically provides the width and height. For more information, see Static Image Resources.

expo-imageexpo-file-system 等库的工作方式与使用本地资源的 <Image> 组件类似。

¥Libraries such as expo-image and expo-file-system work similarly to the <Image> component with local assets.


¥How are assets served locally

在开发过程中,本地存储的资源通过 HTTP 提供服务。它们会在生产应用的构建时自动打包到你的应用二进制文件中,并从设备上的磁盘提供服务。

¥Locally stored assets are served over HTTP in development. They are automatically bundled into your app binary at the build time for production apps and served from disk on a device.

使用 expo-asset 配置在构建时加载资源插件

¥Load an asset at build time with expo-asset config plugin

注意:expo-asset 配置插件仅适用于 SDK 51 及更高版本。如果你使用的是较旧的 SDK,则可以加载 使用 useAssets 钩子

¥Note: The expo-asset config plugin is only available for SDK 51 and above. If you are using an older SDK, you can load a using the useAssets hook.

要在构建时加载资源,你可以使用 expo-asset 库中的 配置插件。该插件会将资源文件嵌入到你的原生项目中。

¥To load an asset at build time, you can use the config plugin from the expo-asset library. This plugin will embed the asset file in your native project.


安装 expo-asset 库。

¥Install the expo-asset library.

npx expo install expo-asset


将配置插件添加到项目的 应用配置 文件中。配置必须包含使用 assets 属性的资源文件路径,该属性采用一个或多个文件或目录的数组来链接到原生项目。

¥Add the config plugin to your project's app config file. The configuration must contain the path to the asset file using assets property which takes an array of one or more files or directories to link to the native project.


¥The path to each asset file must be relative to your project's root since the app config file is located in the project's root directory.

"expo": {
  "plugins": [
        "assets": ["./assets/images/example.png"]


使用配置插件 创建新的开发版本 嵌入资源后。现在,你可以在项目中导入和使用资源,而无需使用 requireimport 语句。

¥After embedding the asset with the config plugin, create a new development build. Now, you can import and use the asset in your project without using a require or an import statement.

例如,example.png 由上述配置插件链接。你可以直接将其导入到你的组件中并使用其资源名称。

¥For example, the example.png is linked by the above config plugin. You can directly import it into your component and use its resource name.

import { Image } from 'expo-image';
%%placeholder-start%%... %%placeholder-end%%

export default function HomeScreen() {
return <Image source="example" />;

上面的例子非常简洁。但是,当原生 API 需要特定文件及其资源名称时,此方法可以方便地与该 API 集成并直接使用资源名称。

¥The above example is quite concise. However, when a native API expects a specific file and its resource name, this method makes it convenient to integrate with that API and use the resource name directly.

expo-asset 配置插件支持不同的文件格式。有关这些格式的更多信息,请参阅 资源 API 参考。如果你没有看到配置插件支持的文件格式,则可以使用 useAssets 钩子在运行时加载资源。

使用 useAssets 钩子在运行时加载资源

¥Load an asset at runtime with useAssets hook

expo-asset 库中的 useAssets 钩子允许异步加载资源。此钩子在本地下载并存储资源,在加载资源后,它将返回该资源实例的列表。

¥The useAssets hook from expo-asset library allows loading assets asynchronously. This hook downloads and stores an asset locally and after the asset is loaded, it returns a list of that asset's instances.


安装 expo-asset 库。

¥Install the expo-asset library.

npx expo install expo-asset


在你的屏幕组件中从 expo-asset 库导入 useAssets 钩子:

¥Import the useAssets hook from the expo-asset library in your screen component:

import { useAssets } from 'expo-asset';

export default function HomeScreen() {
const [assets, error] = useAssets([

return assets ? <Image source={assets[0]} /> : null;


¥Serve an asset remotely

当远程提供资源时,它不会在构建时打包到应用二进制文件中。如果项目是远程托管的,你可以使用项目中资源资源的 URL。例如,将 URL 传递给 <Image> 组件以渲染远程图片:

¥When an asset is served remotely, it is not bundled into the app binary at build time. You can use the URL of the asset resource in your project if it is hosted remotely. For example, pass the URL to the <Image> component to render a remote image:

import { Image } from 'expo-image';
%%placeholder-start%%... %%placeholder-end%%

function App() {
  return (
    <Image source={{ uri: 'https://example.com/logo.png' }} style={{ width: 50, height: 50 }} />

无法保证使用 Web URL 远程提供的图片的可用性,因为互联网连接可能不可用,或者资源可能被删除。

¥There is no guarantee about the availability of images served remotely using a web URL because an internet connection may not be available, or the asset might be removed.

此外,远程加载资源还需要你提供资源的元数据。在上面的示例中,由于打包器无法检索图片的宽度和高度,因此这些值被明确传递给 <Image> 组件。如果不这样做,图片将默认为 0px x 0px。

¥Additionally, loading assets remotely also requires you to provide an asset's metadata. In the above example, since the bundler cannot retrieve the image's width and height, those values are passed explicitly to the <Image> component. If you don't, the image will default to 0px by 0px.


¥Additional information


¥Manual optimization methods




¥You can compress images using the following:

一些图片优化器是无损的。它们将你的图片重新编码为更小的图片,而不会对显示的像素进行任何更改或丢失。当你需要每个像素与原始图片保持原样时,无损优化器和无损图片格式(如 PNG)是不错的选择。

¥Some image optimizers are lossless. They re-encode your image to be smaller without any change or loss in the pixels displayed. When you need each pixel to be untouched from the original image, a lossless optimizer and a lossless image format like PNG are a good choice.

其他图片优化器有损。优化后的图片与原始图片不同。通常,有损优化器效率更高,因为它们会丢弃视觉信息,从而减小文件大小,同时使图片看起来与人类几乎相同。像 imagemagick 这样的工具可以使用像 SSIM 这样的比较算法来显示两个图片的相似程度。优化后的图片与原始图片的相似度超过 95%,但远低于原始文件大小的 95%,这是很常见的。

¥Other image optimizers are lossy. The optimized image differs from the original image. Often, lossy optimizers are more efficient because they discard visual information that reduces file size while making the image look nearly identical to humans. Tools like imagemagick can use comparison algorithms like SSIM to show how similar two images look. It's quite common for an optimized image that is over 95% similar to the original image to be far less than 95% of the original file size.


¥Other assets

对于 GIF 或视频等资源,或非代码和非图片资源,你可以自行优化和最小化这些资源。

¥For assets like GIFs or videos, or non-code and non-image assets, it's up to you to optimize and minify those assets.

注意:GIF 是一种非常低效的格式。现代视频编解码器可以生成更小、质量更好的文件。

¥Note: GIFs are a very inefficient format. Modern video codecs can produce significantly smaller file sizes with better quality.



有关如何向应用添加自定义字体的更多信息,请参阅 添加自定义字体

¥See Add a custom font for more information on how to add a custom font to your app.