¥Here are next steps to continue building your app:
¥Reset your project
¥You can remove the boilerplate code and start fresh with a new project. Run the following command to reset your project:
npm run reset-project
此命令将应用中的现有文件移动到 app-example,然后创建一个带有新 index.tsx 文件的新应用目录。
¥This command will move the existing files in app to app-example, then create a new app directory with a new index.tsx file.
¥Develop, review, and deploy
通过阅读“开发”部分中的文档来了解如何开发。你将学习如何创建 UI 元素、添加 单元测试、包含 原生模块 等。
¥Learn how to develop by reading the docs in the Develop section. You'll learn how to create UI elements, add unit tests, include native modules, and more.
开发完应用后,你可以将其与 review 的队友共享。
¥Once you've developed your app, you can share it with your teammates for review.
最后,你可以将你的项目 build 和 submit 到应用商店。
¥Finally, you can build and submit your project to the app stores.
¥Step-by-step guide
有关从头到尾使用 Expo 构建应用的指导性分步演练,请查看 tutorial。
¥For a guided, step-by-step walkthrough of building an app with Expo from start to finish, check out the tutorial.