
使用 Expo Router 创建页面

了解 Expo Router 使用的基于文件的路由约定。

当在 app 目录下创建一个文件时,它会自动成为 app 中的一个路由。例如,以下文件将创建以下路由:

¥When a file is created in the app directory, it automatically becomes a route in the app. For example, the following files will create the following routes:

index.jsmatches '/'
home.jsmatches '/home'
[user].jsmatches dynamic paths like '/expo' or '/evanbacon'
  index.jsmatches '/settings'



页面是通过从应用目录中的文件导出 React 组件作为默认值来定义的。从中导出的文件必须使用 .js.jsx.tsx.ts 扩展名之一。

¥Pages are defined by exporting a React component as the default value from a file in the app directory. The file they are exported from must use one of the .js, .jsx, .tsx, .ts extensions.

例如,在项目中创建 app 目录,然后在其中创建一个文件 index.js。然后,添加以下代码片段:

¥For example, create the app directory in your project and then create a file index.js inside it. Then, add the following snippet:

使用 React Native 的 <Text> 组件在任何平台上渲染文本。

¥Render text on any platform with the <Text> component from React Native.

import { Text } from 'react-native';

export default function Page() {
  return <Text>Home page</Text>;

或者,你可以编写仅限 Web 的 React 组件,例如 <div><p> 等。但是,这些不会在原生平台上渲染。

¥Alternatively, you can write web-only React components such as <div>, <p>, and so on. However, these won't render on native platforms.

export default function Page() {
  return <p>Home page</p>;

上面的例子匹配了应用和浏览器中的 / 路由。名为 index 的文件与父目录匹配,并且不添加路径段。例如,app/settings/index.js 与应用中的 /settings 匹配。

¥The above example matches the / route in the app and the browser. Files named index match the parent directory and do not add a path segment. For example, app/settings/index.js matches /settings in the app.

应用目录不支持平台扩展(例如 .ios.js、.native.ts)。有关详细信息,请参阅 特定于平台的模块

¥Platform extensions (for example, .ios.js, .native.ts) are not supported in the app directory. See Platform-specific modules, for more information.


¥Dynamic routes


¥Dynamic routes match any unmatched path at a given segment level.


优先级高的路由会先于动态路由进行匹配。例如,/blog/bacon 将在 blog/[id].js 之前匹配 blog/bacon.js。

¥Routes with higher specificity will be matched before a dynamic route. For example, /blog/bacon will match blog/bacon.js before blog/[id].js.

可以使用剩余语法 (...) 在单个路由中匹配多个 slugs。例如,app/blog/[...id].js 匹配 /blog/123/settings

¥Multiple slugs can be matched in a single route by using the rest syntax (...). For example, app/blog/[...id].js matches /blog/123/settings.

动态段可在页面组件中作为 搜索参数 进行访问。

¥Dynamic segments are accessible as search parameters in the page component.

import { useLocalSearchParams } from 'expo-router';
import { Text } from 'react-native';

export default function Page() {
  const { slug } = useLocalSearchParams();

  return <Text>Blog post: {slug}</Text>;
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