
了解不同类型的 Expo 账户以及如何使用它们。

Expo 账户是一个保存 Expo 项目并允许不同数量的协作的容器。Expo 账户有两种类型:个人和组织。

¥An Expo account is a container that holds Expo projects and allows for different amounts of collaboration. There are two types of Expo accounts: Personal, and Organization.


¥The type of account you choose to put a new project depends on the nature of the project. If you are looking to collaborate or set up a workflow for your development team, always create an Organization account. For personal or hobby projects, a Personal account is sufficient.


¥Personal accounts

当你使用 Expo 进行 注册新账号 时,会自动为你创建个人账户。该账户是你处理个人项目的好地方。

¥When you sign up for an account with Expo, a Personal account is automatically created for you. This account is a good place to work on your personal projects.





¥An Organization account is best used to hold projects that you wish to share with other members of a company or a group of developers. It serves as a shared container where your team can collaborate on one or multiple projects and have access to shared credentials.

你可以邀请其他成员加入你的组织账户,然后为这些成员授予组织内访问权限级别的不同角色。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 管理访问中的角色权限

¥You can invite other members to your Organization account, and then give these members different roles that grant a level of access within the organization. For more information, see role privileges in Manage access.


¥Creating an organization account is useful when:

  • 你认为你将来可能需要转移对该组织项目的控制权。

    ¥You think you may need to transfer control of that Organization's projects in the future.

  • 与一组协作者共享一个或多个项目。

    ¥Sharing one or multiple projects with a team of collaborators.

  • 需要分配多个 所有者

    ¥More than one Owner needs to be assigned.

  • 费用需要隔离。

    ¥Expenses need to be isolated.

  • 通过为组织的每个成员分配角色来授予不同级别的访问权限。

    ¥Granting different levels of access by assigning a role to each member of the organization.

  • 针对不同背景构建项目。例如,当为不同的客户工作时,可能会为每个客户创建一个新的组织。

    ¥Structuring projects for different contexts. For example, when working for different clients, a new organization may be created for each client.

  • 共享 电子防盗系统订阅

    ¥Sharing an EAS Subscription.


¥Create a new Organization


¥If you are logged in to your Personal account, you can create a new Organization from the dashboard:

  • 在导航菜单中选择你账户的用户名以打开下拉菜单。

    ¥Select your account's username in the navigation menu to open the dropdown menu.

  • 在下拉菜单中的“组织”下选择“创建组织”。

    ¥Select Create Organization under Organizations in the dropdown menu.

  • 为你的组织添加名称,然后选择“创建”按钮。

    ¥Add a name for your Organization and select the Create button.

创建新组织后,你将被重定向到该组织的新仪表板页面。要将新项目与组织关联,你必须将 expo 键下的 owner 密钥 添加到项目的 app.json 中。

¥After creating a new Organization, you are redirected to the new dashboard page for the organization. To associate a new project with the Organization, you have to add the owner key under the expo key to your project's app.json.


¥Convert a Personal account into an Organization


¥You can convert your Personal account into an Organization when you want to share access to projects with other members and assign each member a role-based privilege.

从你的个人账户的用户设置中,转到 将你的账户转换为组织 部分以开始该过程。

¥From the User settings of your Personal account, go to Convert your account into an organization section to start the process.


¥When you are going through this process, we take a lot of care to make sure that all of the functionality that you and your users rely on will continue to work as expected:

  • 你可以继续向用户提供更新和推送通知。

    ¥You can continue to deliver updates and push notifications to your users.

  • 你仍然可以使用 Expo 服务器上存储的任何 Android 或 iOS 凭据。

    ¥You can still use any Android or iOS credentials stored on Expo's servers.

  • 使用你的个人访问令牌或网络钩子的任何集成都将继续运行并转移给新的指定所有者。

    ¥Any integrations using your personal access token or webhooks will continue to operate and are transferred to the new designated owner.

  • 你的 EAS 订阅将继续而不会中断。

    ¥Your EAS subscription will continue without interruption.

  • 你的生产应用将继续运行而不会中断。

    ¥Your production apps will continue to operate without interruption.


¥Invite a member

可以邀请其他 Expo 用户加入你的组织。邀请新成员:

¥Other Expo users can be invited to join your Organization. To invite a new member:

  • 在 Expo 仪表板中导航到组织设置下的 成员

    ¥Navigate to Members under Organization settings in the Expo dashboard.

  • 单击“邀请”按钮。这将打开一个邀请成员加入组织的表格。

    ¥Click the button Invite. This will open a form to invite a member to the organization.

  • 在表单中,输入你要邀请的用户的电子邮件,并选择他们在加入组织后应具有的角色。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 管理访问中的角色权限

    ¥In the form, enter the email of the user you want to invite and select the role they should have upon joining the organization. For more information, see role privileges in Manage access.


¥When inviting a new member, keep in mind:

  • 只有具有所有者或管理员角色的成员才能邀请其他人。

    ¥Only members with an Owner or an Admin role can invite others.

  • 具有所有者角色的成员可以向成员和受邀者授予任何角色。

    ¥Members with an Owner role can grant members and invitees any role.

  • 具有管理员角色的成员只能授予成员和被邀请者最高级别(包括管理员角色)(除所有者之外的所有角色)。

    ¥Members with an Admin role can only give members and invitees up to and including Admin role (every role but Owner).


¥Change the role of a member

要更改成员的角色权限,请确保你拥有 所有者或管理员角色 并按照以下步骤操作:

¥To change the role privileges of a member, make sure you have either an Owner or Admin role and follow the steps below:

  • 在 Expo 仪表板中导航到组织设置下的 成员

    ¥Navigate to Members under Organization settings in the Expo dashboard.

  • 在你要更改其角色的成员旁边,单击三点菜单图标并更改角色。

    ¥Next to the member whose role you want to change, click on the three-dotted menu icon and change the role.


¥Remove a member

要删除成员,请确保你拥有 所有者或管理员角色 并按照以下步骤操作:

¥To remove a member, make sure you have either an Owner or Admin role and follow the steps below:

  • 在 Expo 仪表板中导航到组织设置下的 成员

    ¥Navigate to Members under Organization settings in the Expo dashboard.

  • 在要删除的成员旁边,单击三点菜单图标。

    ¥Next to the member you want to remove, click on the three-dotted menu icon.

  • 单击删除成员。

    ¥Click Remove member.


¥Rename an account

账户可以重命名有限次数。只有所有者才能重命名账户。要重命名账户,请访问组织设置 > 概述 并按照 重命名账户 下的步骤操作。

¥Accounts can be renamed a limited number of times. Only Owners can rename accounts. To rename an account, visit Organization settings > Overview and follow the steps under Rename account.


¥Transfer projects between accounts

项目可以转移有限次数。用户必须是源账户和目标账户的所有者或管理员才能在它们之间传输项目。访问项目 > 配置 > 项目设置,然后按照传输项目下的步骤操作。

¥Projects can be transferred a limited number of times. A user must be an Owner or Admin on both source and destination accounts to transfer projects between them. Visit Project > Configuration > Project settings and follow the steps under Transfer project.



如果你希望将项目的所有权从你的个人或组织账户(源)转移到另一个人或公司(目标),并且你不允许在目标账户上使用 "所有者" 或 "行政" 权限,你可以创建一个托管账户(新的组织账户)。这解决了用户必须是源账户上的 "所有者" 和目标账户上的 "所有者" 或 "行政" 才能在它们之间转移项目的问题。创建托管账户后,你可以向最终目标账户成员授予托管账户的所有者角色,并将项目安全地转移到托管账户。然后,接收人或公司可以将其从托管账户转移到其目标账户,而无需访问目标账户本身。

¥If you want to transfer the ownership of a project from your Personal or Organization account (source) to another person or company (destination), and you are not allowed "Owner" or "Admin" permissions on the destination account, you can create an escrow account (a new Organization account). This solves the problem that a user must be an "Owner" on the source account and either an "Owner" or "Admin" on the destination account to transfer projects between them. Once the escrow account is created, you can grant the ultimate destination account member the Owner role on the escrow account and safely transfer the project to the escrow account. The receiving person or company can then transfer it to their destination account from the escrow account without having had access to the destination account itself.


¥Manage access


¥Access for members is managed through a role-based system. Users can have the owner, admin, developer, or viewer roles within an Organization account.

观众只能通过 Expo Go 查看你的项目,但不能以任何方式修改你的项目。


¥Security activity

无法使用 EAS Hosting 部署密钥。它包括对密码、电子邮件和 2FA 身份验证设置的更改等。

¥Security activity is a list of changes that happened to an account's profile. It includes changes to password, email, and 2FA authentication setup, among others.

可以在概述 > 用户设置 下找到它。

¥It can be found under Overview > User settings.