
了解向 EAS Build 提供应用签名凭据的不同选项。

EAS Build 为你提供了两种如何为构建作业提供应用签名凭据的选项:

¥EAS Build gives you two options for how you can supply your build jobs with app signing credentials:

  1. 自动管理凭证:EAS 可以托管你的应用签名凭据,并负责与拥有必要权限的团队成员共享这些凭据。

    ¥Automatically managed credentials: EAS can host your app signing credentials and take care of sharing them with teammates that have the necessary permissions.

  2. 本地凭证:你在项目中创建一个凭据.json 文件,该文件指向你的密钥库 (Android) 和/或配置文件和分发证书 (iOS) 以及关联的密码。这是在任何给定的构建作业运行时从本地计算机上传的,并在构建作业完成后处理。

    ¥Local credentials: You create a credentials.json file in your project that points to your keystore (Android) and/or provisioning profile and distribution certificate (iOS), along with associated passwords. This is uploaded from your local machine at the time any given build job is run, and disposed of once that build job has completed.

无论你选择哪个选项,使用现有凭据集的第一步都是在 credentials.json 中将它们设置为本地凭据。有关如何执行此操作的更多信息,请参阅 本地凭据指南的凭据.json 部分

¥Regardless of which option you choose, your first step for using your existing set of credentials is to set them up as local credentials in credentials.json. Refer to the credentials.json section of the local credentials guide for more information on how to do this.

配置 credential.json 文件后,你可以运行 eas credentials,选择一个平台,然后选择 "Update credentials on Expo servers with values from credentials.json" 将其上传以由 EAS 托管和管理(如果你愿意)。了解有关同步凭据的更多信息

¥Once your credentials.json file is configured, you can run eas credentials, choose a platform, and then select "Update credentials on Expo servers with values from credentials.json" to upload them to be hosted and managed by EAS, if you would like. Read more about syncing credentials.