EAS 元数据常见问题解答

有关 EAS 元数据的常见问题。

EAS 元数据处于测试阶段,可能会发生重大变化。




¥If you are creating or maintaining an app in the stores, keeping the app store information up to date can be a big task. When making small changes, for example, supporting a new app store region, you have to find and fill in the forms in an app store's dashboard. Then, after providing all the required information, that content still needs to be approved, where one word can be the difference between approval and rejection.

EAS 元数据旨在使应用开发的这一阶段尽可能简单。使用简单的配置文件,你可以在不离开项目环境的情况下向商店提供所有信息。与内置验证相结合,你甚至可以在进行任何审核之前就获得有关你提供的内容的即时反馈。

¥EAS Metadata aims to make this stage of app development as easy as possible. Using a simple configuration file, you can provide all the information to the stores without leaving your project environment. Combined with built-in validation, you get instant feedback about the content you provide, even before any review.


¥Easy to configure, update, or maintain

你可以从现有应用开始使用 创建新的或生成存储配置 的 EAS 元数据。此存储配置可让你快速更新应用商店信息,而无需离开项目环境。在将更改推送到应用商店之前,EAS 元数据会查找可能导致应用拒绝的常见陷阱。

¥You can start using EAS Metadata by creating a new or generating a store config from an existing app. This store config lets you quickly update the app store information without leaving your project environment. Before pushing the changes to the app stores, EAS Metadata looks for common pitfalls that might result in an app rejection.


¥Faster feedback loop with validation

EAS 元数据带有内置验证,甚至在将任何内容发送到应用商店之前也是如此。此验证可帮助你更快地迭代信息,而无需开始审核。相反,你可以在提供所有内容并且未检测到问题时开始审核过程。

¥EAS Metadata comes with built-in validation, even before anything is sent to the app stores. This validation helps you iterate faster over the information without starting a review. Instead, you can begin the review process when everything is provided, and no issues are detected.

确保安装 VS Code Expo 工具扩展 以获得 store.config.json 文件的自动补齐、建议和警告。

¥Make sure to install the VS Code Expo Tools extension to get auto-complete, suggestions, and warnings for store.config.json files.


¥Extensible with dynamic store config

EAS Metadata 还支持更多的 动态存储配置,而不是仅仅使用 JSON 文件。此动态存储配置允许你从其他地方(例如外部服务)收集信息。借助异步功能,可以不受限制地调整 EAS 元数据以适应你的首选工作流程。

¥EAS Metadata also supports a more dynamic store config, instead of only using JSON files. This dynamic store config allows you to gather information from other places like external services. With asynchronous functions, there are no limits to adapting EAS Metadata to suit your preferred workflow.



以下是 EAS 元数据可能不适合项目的一些原因。

¥Here are some reasons EAS Metadata might not be the right fit for a project.

EAS 元数据支持 Google Play 商店吗?

¥Does EAS Metadata support the Google Play Store?

我们致力于 EAS 元数据,并将随着时间的推移扩展功能。这也意味着并非所有功能都在 EAS 元数据中实现。Google Play 商店是目前尚未实现的功能之一。有关所有现有功能,请参阅 存储配置架构

¥We are committed to EAS Metadata and will expand functionality over time. This also means that not all functionality is implemented in EAS Metadata. The Google Play Store is one of those features currently not implemented. See the store config schema for all existing functionality.


¥How do I use unsupported app store features?

EAS 元数据仅将数据从你的存储配置发送到应用商店。如果你需要 EAS 元数据尚未涵盖的功能,它不会阻止你使用应用商店仪表板。

¥EAS Metadata only sends the data from your store config to the app stores. It does not block you from using the app store dashboards if you need a feature that EAS Metadata does not cover yet.

使用 EAS 元数据并在应用商店仪表板中编辑某些内容时,请确保在这些更改后运行 eas metadata:pull。如果不更新本地存储配置,EAS 元数据在推送到应用商店时可能会覆盖你的更改。

¥When using EAS Metadata and editing something in the app store dashboards, make sure to run eas metadata:pull after these changes. Without updating your local store config, EAS Metadata might overwrite your changes when pushing to the app stores.


¥Using restricted app store accounts

你需要先通过应用商店进行身份验证,然后 EAS 元数据才能访问该信息。如果你使用的是大型公司账户,你可能无权使用 EAS 元数据的所有功能。虽然你可以在这些情况下使用 EAS 元数据,但由于安全限制,这通常更具挑战性。

¥You'll need to authenticate with the app store before EAS Metadata can access the information. If you are working with a large corporate account, you might not have permission to use all functionality of EAS Metadata. While you can use EAS Metadata in these cases, it's often more challenging due to the security restrictions.