一个库,提供对原生 API 的访问以进行应用内评论。
是一个库,可访问 Android 5+ 上的 ReviewManager
API 和 iOS 上的 SKStoreReviewController
is a library that provides access to ReviewManager
API on Android 5+ and SKStoreReviewController
API on iOS. It allows you to ask the user to rate your app without leaving the app itself.
npx expo install expo-store-review
If you are installing this in an existing React Native app, start by installing expo
in your project. Then, follow the additional instructions as mentioned by the library's README under "Installation in bare React Native projects" section.
使用此 API 时,请务必遵循 iOS 的 人机界面指南 和 Android 的 指南。
¥It is important that you follow the Human Interface Guidelines for iOS and Guidelines for Android when using this API.
不要通过按钮调用 StoreReview.requestReview()
- 相反,请尝试在用户在应用中完成一些签名交互后调用它。
¥Don't call StoreReview.requestReview()
from a button - instead try calling it after the user has finished some signature interaction in the app.
¥Don't spam the user.
¥Don't request a review when the user is doing something time sensitive like navigating.
¥Don't ask the user any questions before or while presenting the rating button or card.
¥Write reviews
Android 上没有等效的重定向,你仍然可以使用查询参数 showAllReviews=true
打开 Play 商店到评论部分,如下所示:
¥There is no equivalent redirect on Android, you can still open the Play Store to the reviews sections using the query parameter showAllReviews=true
like this:
const androidPackageName = 'host.exp.exponent';
// Open the Android Play Store in the browser -> redirects to Play Store on Android
// Open the Android Play Store directly
你可以使用查询参数 action=write-review
将应用用户重定向到 iOS App Store 中应用的 "写评论" 屏幕。例如:
¥You can redirect an app user to the "Write a Review" screen for an app in the iOS App Store by using the query parameter action=write-review
. For example:
const itunesItemId = 982107779;
// Open the iOS App Store in the browser -> redirects to App Store on iOS
// Open the iOS App Store directly
import * as StoreReview from 'expo-store-review';
This returns a promise that fulfills to true
if StoreReview.requestReview()
is capable
directing the user to some kind of store review flow. If the app config (app.json
) does not
contain store URLs and native store review capabilities are not available then the promise
will fulfill to false
if (await StoreReview.hasAction()) {
// you can call StoreReview.requestReview()
Determines if the platform has the capabilities to use StoreReview.requestReview()
This returns a promise fulfills with boolean
, depending on the platform:
unless the app is distributed through TestFlight.true
if the device is running Android 5.0+.false
.In ideal circumstances this will open a native modal and allow the user to select a star rating that will then be applied to the App Store, without leaving the app. If the device is running a version of Android lower than 5.0, this will attempt to get the store URL and link the user to it.
This uses the Constants
API to get the Constants.expoConfig.ios.appStoreUrl
on iOS, or the
on Android.
On Web this will return null
string | null
¥Error codes
¥This error occurs when the store review request was not successful.