

Android 和 iOS 都提供了直接在设备上安装应用版本的方法。这使你可以完全控制在设备上放置特定版本,从而使你能够快速迭代并同时让应用的多个版本可供审查。你还可以与你的团队共享它或在多个测试设备上运行它。

¥Android and iOS both offer ways to install a build of your application directly on devices. This gives you full control of putting specific builds on devices, allowing you to iterate quickly and have multiple builds of your application available for review at the same time. You can also share it with your team or run it on multiple test devices.


¥Share the URL

当开发构建准备就绪时,将为你的构建生成一个可共享的 URL,其中包含有关如何启动和运行它的说明。你可以与队友一起使用此 URL 或将其发送到你的测试设备以安装构建版本。生成的 URL 对于你的项目构建是唯一的。

¥When a development build is ready, a shareable URL is generated for your build with instructions on how to get it up and running. You can use this URL with a teammate or send it to your test device to install the build. The URL generated is unique to the build for your project.

如果你在创建开发版本后注册任何新的 iOS 设备,则需要创建新的开发版本才能将其安装在这些设备上。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 内部分配

¥If you register any new iOS devices after creating a development build, you'll need to create a new development build to install it on those devices. For more information, see internal distribution.

使用 Expo 仪表板

¥Use the Expo dashboard

你还可以将你的队友引导至 Expo 仪表板中的构建页面。从那里,他们可以直接在其设备上下载构建工件。

¥You can also direct your teammate to the build page in the Expo dashboard. From there, they can download the build artifact directly on their device.



你的队友也可以使用 EAS CLI 下载和安装开发版本。他们必须确保它们是从与开发版本相关联的 Expo 账户签名的,然后才能运行以下命令:

¥Your teammate can also download and install the development build using EAS CLI. They have to make sure that they are signed from the Expo account associated with the development build and then can run the following command:

eas build:run --profile development

如果开发版本的配置文件名称与 development 不同,则将其与 --profile 一起使用。

¥If the profile name for the development build is different from development, use it instead with --profile.

仅限 iOS 的说明

¥iOS-only instructions

如果你运行的是 iOS 16 或更高版本并且尚未打开开发者模式,则需要 启用它 才能运行构建。(如果你使用的是企业配置,则这不适用。)

¥If you're running iOS 16 or above and haven't yet turned on Developer Mode, you'll need to enable it before you can run your build. (This doesn't apply if you're using enterprise provisioning.)

你可以使用 eas build:resign 将适用于 iOS 的现有 .ipa 共同设计为新的临时配置文件。这有助于减少与团队分发的时间。例如,如果你想将新的测试设备添加到现有版本中,则可以使用此命令更新配置文件以包含该设备,而无需从头开始重建整个应用。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 重新签署新凭证

¥You can use eas build:resign to codesign an existing .ipa for iOS to a new ad hoc provisioning profile. This helps reduce time when distributing with your team. For example, if you want to add a new test device to an existing build, you can use this command to update the provisioning profile to include the device without rebuilding the entire app from scratch. For more information, see Re-signing new credentials.


¥Next steps


Learn how to install multiple variants (development, preview, production) of an app on the same device side by side by converting app.json to app.config.js and additional configuration that is required to start the development server for each variant.

