使用私有 npm 包

了解如何配置 EAS Build 以使用私有 npm 包。

EAS Build 完全支持在项目中使用私有 npm 包。这些可以发布到 npm(如果你有 专业/团队计划)或私有注册表(例如,使用自托管 Verdaccio)。

¥EAS Build has full support for using private npm packages in your project. These can either be published to npm (if you have the Pro/Teams plan) or to a private registry (for example, using self-hosted Verdaccio).

在开始构建之前,你需要配置项目以向 EAS Build 提供你的 npm 令牌。

¥Before starting the build, you will need to configure your project to provide EAS Build with your npm token.

默认 npm 配置

¥Default npm configuration

默认情况下,EAS Build 使用自托管的 npm 缓存,可以加快所有构建的依赖安装速度。每个 EAS Build 构建器都为每个平台配置了一个 .npmrc 文件:

¥By default, EAS Build uses a self-hosted npm cache that speeds up installing dependencies for all builds. Every EAS Build builder is configured with a .npmrc file for each platform:




iOS 系统



私有包发布到 npm

¥Private packages published to npm

如果你的项目使用发布到 npm 的私有包,你需要提供带有 只读 npm 令牌 的 EAS Build,以便它可以成功安装你的依赖。

¥If your project is using private packages published to npm, you need to provide EAS Build with a read-only npm token so that it can install your dependencies successfully.

推荐的方法是将 NPM_TOKEN 密钥添加到你的账户或项目的密钥中:

¥The recommended way is to add the NPM_TOKEN secret to your account or project's secrets:

有关如何执行此操作的更多信息,请参阅 秘密环境变量

¥For more information on how to do that, see secret environment variables.

当 EAS 在构建过程中检测到 NPM_TOKEN 环境变量可用时,它会自动创建以下 .npmrc:

¥When EAS detects that the NPM_TOKEN environment variable is available during a build, it automatically creates the following .npmrc:


但是,只有当 .npmrc 不在项目的根目录中时才会发生这种情况。如果你已有此文件,则需要手动更新。

¥However, this only happens when .npmrc is not in your project's root directory. If you already have this file, you need to update it manually.


¥You can verify if it worked by viewing build logs and looking for the Prepare project build phase:


¥Packages published to a private registry

如果你使用私有 npm 注册表(例如自托管 Verdaccio),则需要手动配置 .npmrc。

¥If you're using a private npm registry such as self-hosted Verdaccio, you will need to configure the .npmrc manually.

在项目的根目录中创建一个包含以下内容的 .npmrc 文件:

¥Create a .npmrc file in your project's root directory with the following contents:


如果你的注册表需要身份验证,你将需要提供令牌。例如,如果你的注册表 URL 是 https://registry.johndoe.com/,则使用以下命令更新文件:

¥If your registry requires authentication, you will need to provide the token. For example, if your registry URL is https://registry.johndoe.com/, then update the file with:


私有 npm 包和私有注册表

¥Both private npm packages and private registry


¥This is an advanced example.

私有 npm 包始终是 scoped。例如,如果你的 npm 用户名是 johndoe,则私有自托管注册表 URL 是 https://registry.johndoe.com/。如果要从两个源安装依赖,请使用以下内容在项目的根目录中创建 .npmrc:

¥Private npm packages are always scoped. For example, if your npm username is johndoe, the private self-hosted registry URL is https://registry.johndoe.com/. If you want to install dependencies from both sources, create a .npmrc in your project's root directory with the following:



¥Submodules in private repositories

如果私有存储库中有子模块,则需要通过设置 SSH 密钥来初始化它。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 子模块初始化

¥If you have a submodule in a private repository, you will need to initialize it by setting up an SSH key. For more information, see submodules initialization.