
显示弹出式 toast

了解如何在 Expo 项目中创建 Toast 弹出窗口。


¥What is a toast

Toast 是移动开发中的标准技术,用于在不中断用户正在做的事情的情况下通知用户某件事。

¥Toasts are the standard technique in mobile development for notifying your users about something without interrupting what they are doing.

根据 Android 开发者文档:“Toast 在一个小弹出窗口中提供有关操作的简单反馈。它仅填充消息所需的空间量,并且当前活动保持可见和交互。Toast 在超时后自动消失”。

¥According to the Android Developers Documentation: "A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only fills the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive. Toasts automatically disappear after a timeout".

为了吐司,我们推荐两种解决方案:react-native 包中的 API 和 React Native 社区维护的库。

¥To present a toast, we recommend two solutions: an API from the react-native package and a library maintained by the React Native community.


¥Android-only: ToastAndroid

Toasts 是 Android 的原生功能,但 iOS 默认没有此功能。如果你只需要 Android 上的 toasts,你可以使用 React Native 提供的 ToastAndroid API。

¥Toasts are a native feature of Android, but iOS doesn't have this by default. If you only need toasts on Android, you can use the ToastAndroid API provided by React Native.



要使用 ToastAndroid 显示基本 toast,请从 'react-native' 包导入 ToastAndroid 并使用消息和持续时间选项调用 ToastAndroid.show

¥To show a basic toast with ToastAndroid, import ToastAndroid from the 'react-native' package and call ToastAndroid.show with a message and duration option:

Using ToastAndroid API
import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, ToastAndroid, Button, StatusBar } from 'react-native';

export default function App() {
  function showToast() {
    ToastAndroid.show('Request sent successfully!', ToastAndroid.SHORT);

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Button title="Show Toast" onPress={showToast} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    paddingTop: StatusBar.currentHeight,
    backgroundColor: '#6638f0',
    padding: 8,

上面的代码在 Pixel 3a 上的结果如下:

¥The code above results in this on a Pixel 3a:

还有许多其他方法可以配置 Toast 位置、持续时间和重力选项。阅读 React Native ToastAndroid 文档以了解更多信息。

¥There are many other ways to configure your toast position, duration, and gravity options. Read the React Native ToastAndroid docs to learn more.


¥Cross-platform: react-native-root-toast

由于 iOS 没有内置的 toast 功能,React Native 开发者必须实现自己的跨平台 toast 库。react-native-root-toast 就是开发者与 React Native 社区共享的此类解决方案之一。

¥Since iOS doesn't have a built-in toast feature, React Native developers have to implement their own cross-platform toast libraries. react-native-root-toast is one such solution that the developer has shared with the React Native community.

我们推荐此解决方案,因为它是最常用和维护最多的开源库之一,无需原生代码即可在 Android 和 iOS 上运行。它还提供了许多自定义选项,这意味着你将能够将 Toast 的设计与应用的其余部分相匹配。

¥We recommend this solution because it's one of the most used and maintained open-source libraries that work on Android and iOS without the need for native code. It also provides a lot of customization options, which means that you will be able to match the design of your toasts to the rest of your app.



要使用 react-native-root-toast,你必须使用 npm install react-native-root-toast 从 npm 执行 安装模块

¥To use react-native-root-toast, you have to install the module from npm with npm install react-native-root-toast.

接下来,你必须使用 <RootSiblingParent> 封装应用的根组件,以允许应用的任何部分进行 Toast。

¥Next, you must wrap the root component of your app with <RootSiblingParent> to allow toasts in any part of your app.

import { RootSiblingParent } from 'react-native-root-siblings';

// in your render function
return (

{/* <- use RootSiblingParent to wrap your root component */}

    <App />

然后,在应用中的任何位置,你可以 import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast'; 并调用 Toast.showToast.hide 来管理屏幕上的 Toast。

¥Then, anywhere in your app, you can import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast'; and call Toast.show and Toast.hide to manage toasts on your screen.

// Add a Toast on screen.
let toast = Toast.show('Request failed to send.', {
  duration: Toast.durations.LONG,

// You can manually hide the Toast, or it will automatically disappear after a `duration` ms timeout.
setTimeout(function hideToast() {
}, 500);

如果你想以声明方式管理你的 toast,react-native-root-toast 还有一个组件 API。

¥react-native-root-toast also has a component API if you want to manage your toasts declaratively.

<Toast visible={this.state.visible}>Thanks for subscribing!</Toast>

该库为你的 自定义外观和行为 吐司提供了许多选项。请参阅包 repository 以了解更多信息。

¥This library has many options for customizing the appearance and behavior of your toast. See the package repository to learn more.

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